Ray, uh, I mean, NOT Ray, just when I think you're starting to argue this matter intelligently, you fall back on hyperbole.
Do you really think corporations are intentionally and LEGALLY dumping toxic waste "out back" into the rivers, etc., in this day and age? Maybe in the past, but we have all sorts of environmental laws on the books about that.
Maybe you mean to say that current EPA standards still, in your opinion, allow too many parts per million to be exhausted into the air or water, but that's a lot different than your description of what's happening. The only difference between, say, the Bush administration and the Clinton administration on that is how many parts per million each thinks is safe. And the truth of the matter is NO ONE REALLY KNOWS.
However, to go back to my original point, if you are against these corporations doing this, the best way to vote is with your pocketbook. If the consumer can change the way, for example, McDonald's does business then they can change the way that Exxon does business.
Why do you think Hybrid cars are selling so well right now? Because the government passed a law making us buy them? No. It's because consumers decided they wanted them.
Stop looking to a big brother government for the solution to your perceived problems and look for ways to let the free market fix them. In the end, that will work better for everyone.