Quote: PJP said: The Governor is a Republican......
1. That has nothing to do with Ray's original theory. He clearly stated that God was attacking the Red States that voted for Bush in the last Presidential election. California's electorial votes went to Kerry, and it was declared a Blue State.
2. I'm sure there were fires, mudslides, and earthquakes during the term of Gray Davis.
3. Ray's a fucknut.
1. Ray has a theory? I thought it was more of a casual observation.
2. The fires and mudslides are pretty much an annual event. They've been happening for thousands of years and are part of the ecology of the coastal mtn. ranges. But the worst ones happened under Pete Wilson, a Republican (and an asshole regardless of party affiliation, as was Davis). There's really not much that can be done other than not build in hilly areas covered by chaparelle. 'But the views are so great! '. No one's runnin' with that idea.
3. Indeed, Ray is a fucknut. He's only a temporary guest worker in the People's Republic.
"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives."John Stuart MillAmerica is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between.Oscar WildeHe who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead.