
but this thread came after I read a Fallwell quote blaming 9/11 on feminists. He said it was God's wrath.

Do you find any one here on "the right" who tends to defend Falwell on a regular basis? No. But, despite that, you keep bringing up him and Robertson as if we are a bunch of his followers and we need to be "schooled" on what idiot fuckwits they are.

I think its pretty clear that even among republicans, these two are at best the political equivalent to the "crazy old uncles" we tolerate because their good to us, not people we respect or admire. Which would seem to compare and contrast to the members of the left on this board that regularly CITE their fuckwits (Moore, Brock, Sharpton, Sheehan, etc.) as people they respect and admire.

And, if we are going to talk about blame-assigning fuckwits, your need to tell us how this disaster is the fault of George Bush, corporations, and anyone you disagree with is not particular a different exercise in finger pointing than what Falwell did.

So we have two fuckwits. One who doesn't post here (Falwell) and you.