Quote: magicjay38 said: 3. Indeed, Ray is a fucknut. He's only a temporary guest worker in the People's Republic.
being anti-corporation doesn't make me a communist. in fact my beliefs lean more towards libral socialism in ther ways of FDR and some of Europe.
I'm very much a believer in the individual rights of people and believe that smaller companies create a greater need to be honest in it's dealings.
You can still be a capitalist and be Pro-small business.....I am.
and i am pro small business. i believe diversity in business breeds competition and a need for a positive image. i am, however, anti multinational corporations and the huge corporations that own so much they're practically untouchable.
I'm with you 100%. I go nuts every time I see another Bank Merger. I hate monopolies I always side with the little guy in head to head battles.