Heck yeah........today sucked even more than yesterday.

I get to school at seven am and get everything set up to get observed by my mentor and he changes his mind to a "later date"...not to mention I stayed up till one am coming up with something really sweet to do with the kids....

Our school's under investigation by the TEA cuz their math scores sucked, and the Area representative "Dropped by" in the middle of my third period class.......no pressure: considering they all have their phds in math ;p

THEN a girl fight broke out after my fifth period math class today....the kids had to be ripped apart from each other IN THE MIDDLE OF MY CLASSROOM........yeah imagine trying to get class started after that....heh.

Just when I'm thinking the day can't get any worse, in the middle of my seventh period, four kids get up and light a piece of paper and shove it down the furnace. When the monitor was alerted, they called the Police department AND security on school and arrested some kids (after issuing them tickets)!.

Yeah...........so needless to say today totally sucked. Then I was supposed to tutor after school: two kids showed, up: TWO......supposed to be eleven ;p

I'm going to bed...........the good part is that the football team won 70-0 so yeah....teaching hyper, football kids tomorrow: total suckage.......