Seriously.....not a joke. I am going to be pretty busy the next 6 months to a year with another business venture, so I won't have much time to spend on the RKMBs. Plus I have had 3 run-ins with unstable people on the Boards recently so I think I rather take a lower profile from here on out. If you allow me this Rob I would like to offer a list of people who I think should replace me. This is an important forum....the last bastion of the original RKMBs....It is a foum of entertainment and creativity.....and most of all chaos. I present you Rob with a list of 10 names who I think would do the best job replacing me....and the order in which I feel they should be considered. Maybe you'll just pick one or maybe we can have an election of some sorts.....or maybe you'll tell us all to go fuck ourselves.....anyhoo......the list.
1) Theory9 - an original Nature Boy, all around great guy, and funny.
2) Kristogar Velo - also an original....he would compliment Mxy and bsams very well.
3) r3x29yz4a - a complete idiot......but he is very funny and would do wonders for this place.
4) Balloonknot - no one personifies offensive quite like Balloonknot.
5) Animalman - an old timer who has the ability to make people cry.
6) Captain Sammitch - could do wonders editing posts.
7) PCG342 - he would give rex a hard time.
8) Poverty Lad - Doesn't post that much, but when he goes on the offensive it's pretty funny.
9) Pig Iron - his words are like daggers.
10) wannabuyamonkey - would drive rex from the boards with the power to edit posts.