I have my own anniversary collection because I'm the blue fucking bomber, damnit! All my games were rated E for Everyone, yet these "allegations" are nothing but the ramblings of a depraved little boy who's been watching too many Eddie Murphy movies. What's with all the pirvate part references? Didn't anybody ever tell him that robots are built and not conceived? Did he also play Adventure of Link and spend five hours jumping up at Zelda in the center of the castle saying "I wanna zap her with my own magic wand while she's still under a sleeping spell cause I don't need a triforce."?

Please don't waste my precious time with any more restroom wall scribblings.

Thank you.

I said: We don't have time to waste!
Captain N, the cocky wiseacre, said: Hey, I don't call hugging a princess a waste of time!