Quote: MisterJLA said: Anyone else remember when Garvin turned on Dusty, then went off to the AWA?
Nope, tell me more!
"Hands of Stone" Ronnie Garvin betrayed Rhodes (I think during a tag match?) when JJ Dillon gave him a suitcase full of money. Either Dusty got his revenge by jumping Garvin in a hotel lobby, or Garvin attacked Rhodes in the lobby to begin with (I can't remember which).
Then, which seemed like the very next week, Garvin was in the AWA, and I believe feuding with Zbysko.
It was the quickest jump to a rival federation I've ever seen. The NWA created a rivalry between Garvin and Rhodes, right before he left the organization.
Tonight, I learned something.
I used to think that JLA mocked us for watching Raw because he was a non fan and just thought it was stupid.
Now I know. He did it because he's an old school 80's NWA fan of actual wrestling! Kudos to you, JLA! You fought the good fight and are still alive to tell the tale!