I thought at the time that maybe the NWA wanted to make Garvin look a dick before he took off. He was always a "good guy", so perhaps they wanted to tarnish his image before he left.
I just remember how dumb and rushed the whole angle was. Garvin fought with Tully and Flair for ages, but then he takes their money and becomes a heel for a week or two?
Quote: ROY BATTY said: maybe for you but I'm sure feeling hot right about now!
You're right Grimmy, darling!
Also it could be to do with Turner buying WCW! Not him personally but just as Windham is beginning to go somewhere in the NWA, it becomes WCW, which tries to emmulate WWF and that means heels can't wrestle heels.
I thought Windham worked best as one.
Then as you say, by the early mid 90s, Windham gives up and becomes lazy and fat!
He was a great heel. That was the best Horsemen combo: Flair, Windham, Blanchard, and Anderson.
But I'm not sure if he was heel at the time of the Garvin title reign or not. I'm a little fuzzy (tee hee!) on that period.
although I did like some of the matches he had when they finally put the NWA belt on him. the match against 2 Cold Scorpio at Clash of the Champions and the match at Superbrawl where he beat Muta to win the belt were both very good.
Quote: ROY BATTY said: funny you should say that! I wearing a mask, leather waste coat(I'm bare breasted, naturally) cowboy hat, chaffs and I have a whip!
Oh....whoops! I forgot to put any pants on!
How are you feeling now, Snarfster?
do you have a big red splotch on the right side of your belly welly?
Quote: MisterJLA said: Anyone else remember when Garvin turned on Dusty, then went off to the AWA?
Nope, tell me more!
"Hands of Stone" Ronnie Garvin betrayed Rhodes (I think during a tag match?) when JJ Dillon gave him a suitcase full of money. Either Dusty got his revenge by jumping Garvin in a hotel lobby, or Garvin attacked Rhodes in the lobby to begin with (I can't remember which).
Then, which seemed like the very next week, Garvin was in the AWA, and I believe feuding with Zbysko.
It was the quickest jump to a rival federation I've ever seen. The NWA created a rivalry between Garvin and Rhodes, right before he left the organization.
Tonight, I learned something.
I used to think that JLA mocked us for watching Raw because he was a non fan and just thought it was stupid.
Now I know. He did it because he's an old school 80's NWA fan of actual wrestling! Kudos to you, JLA! You fought the good fight and are still alive to tell the tale!
Maybe the NWA wasn't as good as I remember it to be, but even if that's the case, bullshit like RAW could never come close to being as interestng to watch as the old NWA shows.
Quote: ROY BATTY said: funny you should say that! I wearing a mask, leather waste coat(I'm bare breasted, naturally) cowboy hat, chaffs and I have a whip!
Oh....whoops! I forgot to put any pants on!
How are you feeling now, Snarfster?
do you have a big red splotch on the right side of your belly welly?
although I did like some of the matches he had when they finally put the NWA belt on him. the match against 2 Cold Scorpio at Clash of the Champions and the match at Superbrawl where he beat Muta to win the belt were both very good.
You're right - great great matches but I think they were few and far between at this point.
Both Muta and Scorpio were great wrestlers but they too were broken down at this point of directionless....having said that, so was WCW! As you say great matches but the stories behind them poor, it;s like I couldn't take them seriously as main eventers like I would Flair - don't know if this makes sense!
although I did like some of the matches he had when they finally put the NWA belt on him. the match against 2 Cold Scorpio at Clash of the Champions and the match at Superbrawl where he beat Muta to win the belt were both very good.
You're right - great great matches but I think they were few and far between at this point.
Both Muta and Scorpio were great wrestlers but they too were broken down at this point of directionless....having said that, so was WCW! As you say great matches but the stories behind them poor, it;s like I couldn't take them seriously as main eventers like I would Flair - don't know if this makes sense!
No, you're right. It didn't help that they were lower on the cards as well. It's like "he's a world champion, but this other guy is THE world champion." Well then, what's the bloody point of it?
Everytime WCW started to get a decent direction or something worthwhile going, they'd screw it up. WCW could've fucked up a wetdream. heh.
Which makes WWE's constant repetition of their mistakes all the more sad.
I'm glad I was not the only one thinking like that.
Watching these matches now gives a lot more satisfaction because you can just look at the quality and effort put in but watching it at the time, which you'd think would be better as they are in context of what is happening at the time but actually lose a lot from that fact!
I look at it now and say, oh World championship match but at the time I viewed this belt as secondary to even the US belt!
How fucked up is that!
Both WWF and WCW at the time were in a bad state and that was down to thoughtless booking and not enough elevation.....which as you say Grimm is even worse now and could easily be avoided if there were learn from history!
The lack of development of feuds outside of championships, really hurt the business, the last feuds of remember that really really had me more excited that championships were Jake Robert/Rick Rude & Jake Roberts/Ted Dibiase, there are more but these come to mind straight away for me. White fucking hot and not a belt in sight.
It was as if they were both(WWF & WCW) waiting for something to happen, not quite what but hoping it would land on their laps..., and then WCW signs Huckster! It took a while but WCW eventually found it's niche and the WWF had to catch up!
I remember in the early 90s, I always hoped WCW would have developed a better relationship with IWGP and ahve more intercompany events! I remember seeing a brilliant squash match at the Egg Dome featuring Big Van Vader and Bam Bam Bigelow against Doom! Sting teamed with Muta to beat the Steiners!
I remember that! Gawwwwd. . .I've never seen the matches but I remember reading about them in PWI's mags. They had some shots of Muta/Sting vs. Steiners.
WCW in the early nineties had so much potential. They'd bring so many talented guys in and just waste them (american and japanese). Liger, Muta, and all would just show up and disappear again at random!
And when they brought in Doc and Gordy to feud with the Steiners! Damn! That should've been the start of a tag team renaissance right there!
They had the makings of a really explosive, exciting show at one time. They really did. Vader, Sting, Rude, Orndorff, Windham, Foley, Doc & Gordy, the Steiners, Flair, Steamboat, jeebus the talent list they had come through in just a three year period (91-93) was amazing! What they could've done.
the Roberts' feuds were damn good, too! Roberts/Dibiase went on for what, a year? you don't see that much these days (of course it was helped by that bar fight Roberts got in and the subsequent lawsuit). these guys are immortalized in plastic on my action figure shelf largely due to that one. (I've actually been thinking about Roberts quite a bit lately as his dvd is due to hit on Nov. 1. should be a good one it's two discs.)
damn, Roy. do you know how infrequently I get to talk about wrestling with somebody like this? you don't post here nearly enough.
Thanks Grimm. As I was saying to MisterJLA, I would love to post more often but I gots lots of gay shit happening.
Also, I will not pay for PPVs and I am so anal about not learning the results before seeing the event!
I enjoy these chats, as we do try to keep it positive with the superb wrestling we were both lucky enough to grow up with.
It's funny, re: The Tokyo Done event. I remember reading the results, like you, in the PWI magazines, then the following week there some clips of the even on a WCW show - the shows in the UK were way way behind, so it corresponded with the magazines - this wasn't done on purpose, it just happened that way!
Anyhoo, the UK distributor must have been contacted by some UK wrestling fans, who had newsletters put into the mags, that's where I got hold of some bootlegger who did WCW events but they were 20 quid each, which was way too expensive but I paid it for this event and the one where the Steiners win the IWGP tag titles - WCW should have done more with IWGP. I was in awe of wrestlers from one company holding belts from another - it was magical to me and made me wish for more of these events! A lot of WCW stars appeared on IWGP cards but never in more than 2 matches!
Grimm, you bring up an excellent point about the WCW Tag division of 92(?), Gordy and Williams were ripping up the scene in Japan and the Steiners doing the same in the US! WCW had the brains to make this happen and the 2 teams had a brilliant first match which ended in a time limit draw - which was fine because feuds back then would last and this left me salivating for the rematch but thru no fault of WCW, shit happens! Gordy fucks himself up and then when he is better, Roid-boy fucks up!
Those PWI mags really built up the team of Gordy and Williams as monsters, amazing as they had little or no TV exposure!
I'm rewatching a lot of old wrestling, as I think I mentioned somewhere else, I just finised the first WWF Supertape - fucking brilliant! 3 Superb matches - Dibiase/Roberts, Rude/Santana, Perfect/Garvin. The entertaining No Holds bar cage match and a feature on the Bushwhackers, sounds painful but Mean Gene sells it like a good'un!
I got Supertape 2 which I may watch this weekend, that is of course unless my friend lends me the Undie DVD!
Oh yeah, I'm getting that Roberts DVD as soon as it comes out!
[quote=ROY BATTY]Rugged Ronnie Garvin fans out there!
How about petitioning WWE to release RRG DVD! I'm sure they have enough footage for 3 discs! [/quote]
[quote=ROY BATTY][quote][b][i]MisterJLA said:[/i][/b]
Anyone else remember when Garvin turned on Dusty, then went off to the AWA? [/quote]
Nope, tell me more! [/quote]