
rex said:
Does anyone else think that jim jackson is the liberal equivalent to g-man?

I thought whomod was the liberal equivalent to me? That was your deep insight a few months ago.

For a guy who talks about not posting on the DT forum anymore, you keep coming back. For a guy who says the whole board is a joke, you keep coming back.

And when you do, you immediately acting as if I'm the reason that PJP, BSAMS and everyone else stopped putting up with your BS, and start posting about...me. You even start threads about me and, for a brief, shining moment, made me the topic of your signature.

Why don't you just admit you're obssessed with me as the father figure you never had, rex, and try to heal?

Eugene Oregon is a progressive city that would never discrminate against someone on the basis of age. Even though your approximately 30, if you're really that needing a daddy figure, I'm sure that they would take you into the "Big Brothers" program and fix you up with some aging hippie who look past your various character flaws.

Seriously, rex, it's time to start the healing.