Chris Oakley
ENTRANCE THEME:Alice in Chains' "Rooster"(in singles action)
Judas Priest's "Breakin' The Law"(in tag team matches with El Superbeasto and/or any of his other Outcast teammates)
SIGNATURE MOVES:The Loner(a missile dropkick off the top rope)
The Expulsion(a reverse DDT)
The Siberian Express(a flying tackle off the second rope)
The Devil's Island Drop(an Irish Whip/power bomb combination)
The Vast Wasteland(a variation on John Cena's F-U)
Snuff the Rooster(a sleeper hold)
The Odd Man Out(a variation on the Dudley Death Drop;the Outcasts use it as their main finisher in tag matches)
The Journey Into Exile(another finisher used by the Outcasts in tag team matches;a variation on the Road Warriors' Doomsday Device)
The Eviction(a variation on John Cena's STFU)
RING ATTIRE: Wears camoflagued cargo pants and a T-shirt that says "OUTCASTS RULE!".
AFFILIATIONS:One half of the RDCW world tag team champion Outcasts along with El Superbeasto;also a former member of the Bond Brigade and the Bastardo Family
PERSONALITY:Always looking for a fight.Has a chip on his shoulder you could park 747s on.
UPCOMING MATCHES:Will be teaming up with the rest of the Outcasts for an eight-man no-DQ tag team bout against the MWO at Re-hash.
Last edited by Chris Oakley; 2006-05-05 3:21 PM.