

Group Affiliation
The Sudden Death Connection (SDC) - Sweet Marlene (manager), Captain Sammitch, Chewy Walrus, Killconey

Detroit Rock City by Kiss

Ring Gear
Red Gordie Howe #9 Red Wings jersey
- red wrestling pants with white knee pads
- gray "Nike" skate-like boots

When not in the ring, PenWing dresses in a business casual style, often consisting of colored button shirts with the sleaves rolled up, slacks, and casual shoes.

PenWing strongly follows a code of friendship, loyalty, and trust. He will never turn his back on his friends, or the fans. Some have called him soft for holding so strongly to his convictions, but PenWing has always found a way to use his strengths as his greatest weapons.

In the end, PenWing believes it all comes down to Sudden Death. He understands that no matter how good a situation looks, it can go sour in the blink of an eye. To that end, PenWing is always willing to put it all on the all line, all time.

Wrestling Style
Think of a cross between Shawn Michaels and Chris Benoit. PenWing knows how to use anything as a weapon, although he prefers his Sherwood hockey sticks, and he enjoys all forms of Hardcore matches. His technical move-set has improved greatly since teaming with Captain Sammitch, allowing PenWing to add quick roll-ups, technical holds, and suplexes to his repertoire. However, even with his greatly improved technical abilities, PenWing is still reckless in and out of the ring, often taking extra risks that pull the fans out of their seats.

Move-set (All names are Hockey related)

  • Signature Moves

    -Spin-o-rama: roundhouse kick

    -Gordie Howe: quick elbow to the face

    -Drag 'n' Whip: Irish Whip into spear

    -Super Drag 'n' Whip: Irish Whip into Spin-o-rama

    -Hattrick: Three consecutive suplexes

    -British Columbia Two-hander (BC 2-hander): baseball swing with a hockey stick

  • Submission Holds

    -Spin-o-lock: spinning headlock


  • Finishers

    -Sudden Death: Diamond Cutter - Three-quarter facelock bulldog

    -The Winged Wheel: Shiranui - Springboard somersault three-quarter facelock diving reverse DDT - PenWing grabs a Three-quarter facelock on his opponent, runs up the corner turnbuckles, jumps backwards, somersaulting in the air, and lands face down to the mat, driving the opponent's head back-first down to the mat.

    -High Holy Howe: top-rope elbow drop

    -Falcon Flip: Sunset Flip

  • Tag Team Moves:

    -Sudden Death Connection: Sammitch Slam, Winged Wheel combination (Powerbomb, Shiranui combination)

Titles Held
  • Heavyweight Cheese Championship
  • Donkey Lovin Tag Team Championship
  • Hardcore Porn Championship (2x)
  • Y Division Championship
  • 2005 RDCW Rumble Winner

Last edited by PenWing; 2006-05-01 6:56 PM.

<sub>Will Eisner's last work - The Plot: The Secret Story of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion
RDCW Profile

"Well, as it happens, I wrote the damned SOP," Illescue half snarled, "and as of now, you can bar those jackals from any part of this facility until Hell's a hockey rink! Is that perfectly clear?!" - Dr. Franz Illescue - Honor Harrington: At All Costs

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