Spandex Monkey Man

Personality: The leader of the m.W.o, SPAMM resolutely attempts to act the monster heel, despite the fact that he's obviously not suited to it. He's a tweener, in that he's a heel who gets cheered, largely due to his goofiness.

Ring Gear: SPAMM wears a purple shirt with 'm.W.o 4 the money!' on it, along with purple jeans and a purple mask.

Music: 'The Majesty of Rock' by Spinal Tap


Power Moves: SPAMM's not really big enough to use a lot of power moves, but he does his best. He favours DDT's and other simple power moves, which he strings together with surprising speed. His trademark moves here include:

The Monkey T: Snap DDT
Monkey World Piledriver: Piledriver

Technical Moves: SPAMM's technical prowess continues to be underpowered, but he does actually use them now. Admittedly the most complicated they'll get is a Texas Cloverleaf, but they are there. His trademark holds are:

The Monkeylock: Elevated Texas Cloverleaf

Aerial Moves: SPAMM goes to the top rope at least once a match. He's no daredevil, but he does use aerial moves quite frequently. His trademarks here are:

The Ouch Factor: Diving Headbutt
Chop!: Top Rope Axe Handle.

Rough-Neck Moves: SPAMM's brawling is a little odd. He uses a lot of brawling moves in his matches, but lack tradmeraks here.

Finisher Moves:
Super Monkeysault: Lionsault.
Monkey Kick: Superkick.

Last edited by SpandexMonkeyMan; 2006-06-09 8:32 AM.