Captain Sammitch

The "new and improved" Captain is the product of hard lessons learned in the ring (and at ringside), as well as intense training.

  • Persona: All-around face, bordering on heroic face, but not afraid to make a little mischief now and then. Sammitch frowns on 'dirty' wrestling and will fight by the book as often as possible - but he didn't win the Hardcore belt by being afraid to get his hands dirty, and he's learned to anticipate others' cheap shots. Sammitch is fiercely loyal and loves playing to the crowd. Cool as ice under pressure, Sammitch can still rise to the occasion from time to time and do things few people thought possible for him.

  • Entrance Music: "Let's Get it Started" - Black Eyed Peas (sooner or later I'm gonna have to come up with something new!)

  • Clothing: In the ring, white warmup pants with blue trim, white-and-blue New Balances, and a Peyton Manning jersey. For hardcore matches, Sammitch wields a white bo staff.

  • Wrestling Style: Sammitch isn't quite a heavyweight, but he's definitely bigger than other cruiserweights. His style is a combination of Benoit, Jericho, and Steve Blackman - a technically solid mat game combined with elements of mainstream brawling, but with the added element of martial-arts expertise. Emphasis is on quickness and agility, and on anticipating and countering an opponent's moves - a thinking man's kind of wrestling. Using this technique, Captain Sammitch has taken down bigger and stronger opponents on many occasions.

  • Signature Moves: The Sammitch Suplex (cross-body German suplex that is often repeated), the Sammitch Spin (rapid spinning kick), the Sammitch Submission (Walls of Jericho), and the Sammitch Slam (powerbomb finisher, best from the top rope). Sammitch's repertoire also includes numerous reversals and counter moves.

  • Affiliation: Sudden Death Connection (Meeko, PenWing, Chewy Walrus, Killconey)

Last edited by Captain Sammitch; 2005-12-04 4:53 AM.


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