Senor Perdicion(a.k.a. Mister Doom)
WEIGHT:347 lbs.
APPEARANCE:Blue tights and mask;mask has a silhouette of the Grim Reaper stenciled on the front
ENTRANCE MUSIC:"Los Muchachos de Hoy" by Luis Miguel
AFFILIATONS:Member of the Bond Brigade,formerly one-half of Los Monstros Azules;was also a charter member of the Bastardo Family
SIGNATURE MOVES:El Asesino del Tijuana<"The Tijuana Assassin">(a flying tackle off the top roppe)
El Aliento Ultimo<"The Last Gasp">(an enzaguri)
El Guillotina<"The Guillotine">(a variation of Hardcore Holly's Alabama Slam)
PERSONALITY:One of RDCW's most well-known firebrands;is notorious back in Mexico for getting himself disqualified during several matches because of his temper
TITLES HELD:None in RDCW but was a 3-time heavyweight singles champ back in Mexico;also a two-time Mexican national tag team champion with El Daga
UPCOMING MATCHES:Will team up with Chris Oakley and Hombre Lagarto to face the Tuesday Night Rockers at Halloween Handjobs