"Beware the power of the darkside!"
Group Affiliation
Dark Lords
Valet: Chesty Lerou
Imperial March
Ring Gear
All black Sith garb, black hooded cloak
Darth is the tall silent type. When he does speak, it is with a calm, raspy voice. He always sounds like he is in control. Darth appears to have increadible powers, occasionally summoning lighting from above. Before matches, Darth has been seen relaxing in seemingly out of character ways, from golfing to making paper airplanes. Chesty is never far from his side, and her laughter is the only thing that makes Darth seem approachable.
Wrestling Style
Darth is an amalgum of the Undertaker and Sting. He is deceptively quick for his size, and can use a variety of power and speed moves. Darth is not a technical wrestler, nor does he have to be. His agility and size makes him difficult to control in the ring, and if he choses to start brawling, he can often simply over power and wear down his opponents.
- Signature Moves
-Concussion Missile: Missile Dropkick
-The Oman: Running DDT
-The Maul: Big Boot
-Hellfire: Red Mist
- Finishers
-Sithspawn: Reverse DDT (deathdrop)
-Darkside-slam: Back Breaker Rack Powerbomb (F-5, victim lands face first onto mat)
-Sabre-slam: Chokeslam
- Sumbmission
-Sabre-stretch: Argentine Back Breaker Rack (torture rack)
- Tag Team
-Straight to Hell: spike piledriver - Darth sets up a piledriver for Grimm to spike off the second rope
Title History
- Inter-Cunt-Inental Championship
- Hardcore Porn Championship