Entrance Music: 'Money for Nothing' by Dire Straits
Personality: The newest member of the IV, Charlie's embraced the philosopy wholeheartedly. He's flash, smug and extremely dangerous. Already fierce, he's got that extra edge and determination that marks out all the great heels. Imagine a cross between Big Poppa Pump in his prime and Edge and you've got him.
Ring Gear: Charlie wears an expensive suit, but he'd sure as hell never be seen wrestling in it. When in the ring he wears black trunks and leather boots, plus black elbow pads and knee pads.
Wrestling Style: Charlie's a power worker, pure and simple. A former cruiserweight, Charlie's bulked out considerably, and is now capable of going toe to toe with real big guys and not flinching.
Signature Moves:
The Enforcer: Spinebuster Slam
The Million Dollar Pitbull: Discus Punch with his diamond-encrusted knuckledusters
The Camel Clutch: Duh!
Finisher Moves:
The Five Points: Charlie lifts the opponent for a vertical suplex, then drops them and turns as he does so, hitting them with a tombstone piledriver.
Pitbull Spear: Charlie whips his opponent into the ropes and spears them as they come back.
Last edited by Charlie; 2006-05-05 3:01 PM.