Personality: The man who started out as Notwedge has undergone yet another personality change. As the leader of the Otaku, Johnny schemes to use the groups limited knowledge of Japanese culture (taken primarily from anime anf manga) to take over RDCW. What exactly this means is not quite clear, but he likes to say it a lot. He also likes to talk about how he's a loner who's no good for anyone and how everyone should stay away from him because he's bad news, even though his actions directly contradict this. He's been heavily influenced by anime and manga about thugs such as GTO and Cromartie High School. He says he's 22 years old a lot even though he isn't. He seems to think he's a badguy, even though he doesn't act like one.

Group affiliation: The Otaku

Catch phrase: My name is Evil Wrestler Johnny, 22 years old and my goal is to be the evilest wrestler in RDCW!

Entrance theme: "Last Dinosaur" by the Pillows (Featured in the anime series FL CL)

Appearance: Still not one of the biggest guys, JE has clearly added muscle since his days of dominating the lightweight division. He has modeled himself after a Japanese "Yankee Thug". Basically, he tries to look like a Japanese person who tries to look like an American biker (or at least the Japanese conception of one). His hair is bleached so that it's yellow and it's spiked. He typically wears cargo pants with motorcycle boots and a leather jacket.

Fighting style: JE's fighting style has evolved into one that primarily involves striking. He'll still use some "traditional" moves (neckbreakers, ddts and russian leg sweeps are favorites) but his primary goal when grappling is to get into a position to strike the other guy. He is a master of Tae Kwon Do, a Korean form of martial arts with an emphasis on powerful kicks. He's also worked on his daredevil moves and now hurts the other guy quite a bit more often than he hurts himself.

Signature Moves: (frankly, his moves list has gotten REALLY long and I've changed the names a couple times already. Basically, some of his moves are getting new names, some are keeping their current names and are even getting their original names back. Why? To drive people crazy while they're writing recaps)

DC2K: You know it, you love it, it's a chop or clotheline off the top rope.

Evilsault: An Asai Moonsault with a silly name.

Cobra Roll: Half twisting moonsault legdrop.

CTX: A bridging combination of a deathlock and a facelock

The Deadly knee drop...
...OF DEATH: Like the People's Elbow, only it ends with a kneedrop


Hisaru Shoten Ha: Spinning Krytonite Krunch

CTG: Cradle neckbreaker that starts out like a fisherman's suplex (he can't do this on people who are a lot bigger than he is)

Cromartie Crusher: chair smash to the face using a spinning hook kick



Personality: Loyal, energetic, seems to yell everything. He anime obsession seems to have leaked out to all the members of Johnny Evil's crew, causing them to take on vague, anime type personas. Hers is heavily based on Excel, the main character of Excel Saga

Group affiliation: The Otaku


Entrance theme: "Love (loyalty)" by Excel Girls (Excel Saga's theme song)

Appearance: There is some debate as to who is the hottest diva in RDCW, Ramada is certainly a major contender. She's a beautiful, red haired woman who. as EWJ would, say "has some very impressive features and by 'impressive features' I mean 'gigantic tits'. Was I being too subtle?" She likes to wear anime-themed clothing, ranging from t-shirts with favorite characters on them to full-on cosplaying.

Fighting style: Ramada has a high-energy style that includes some martial arts learned from EWJ.

Signature Moves:

Mince meat: A rapid kicking combination.

Kagome special: First, she puts her opponent into a full nelson and then forces them to SIT! (Yep, it's pretty much a Bubba bomb)

Jiggle Counter: Bronco buster


T Kyo: Shining wizard.



Personality: BFOE really hasn't changed much. He seems to pretty much only going along with the whole "Otaku" thing because they keep feeding him. He's an easygoing guy who's always hungry. Because characters from Osaka are often given southern accesnts when the shows are dubbed (Such as in Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi and Azumanga Daioh) the other members say he's from there. He doesn't seem to mind and he's developed a tasted for fried squid.

Group affiliation: The Otaku

Catch phrase: Could you put some cheese sauce on that?

Entrance theme: Various Elvis songs that he sings himself, Karaoke style.

Appearance: He's an enormous Elvis impersonator. (yes, I mean the fat Elvis)

Fighting Style: He doesn't really have a "style", just a bunch of power moves and attempta to flatten.

Signature Moves:

Osaka Fan Slap: E. Honda style hand slap done to someone in the corner.

Black and Blue Suede Shoes: Jumps off the second rope and lands on his opponent feet first.

Teddy Bear: Starts out with a bear hug, then he picks the guy up and falls forward.


Abeno Bash: stinger splash.



Personality: It's kind of hard to tell what Hiro's personality is because EWJ decided that it's Hiro's job to be mysterious. The other members of the Otaku enforce this by not letting Hiro talk. Ever. He seems to be kind of vain and he has a tendency to smile enigmatically.

Group affiliation: The Otaku

Catch phrase: ... (he probably has one picked out, and it could be very cool, but no one lets him talk so we'll probably never know.)

Entrance theme: "Cruel Angel's Thesis", the theme song to Evangellion.

Appearance: Hiro is a very, very pretty man. I don't mean he's handsome, and I'm not saying he dresses in drag. He just happens to be pretty. Disturbingly so, in fact. He has long, platinum blonde hair that he keeps braided and he usually dresses in martial arts uniforms. He wears a protective mask during matches.

Fighting style: VERY fast, skilled in martial arts and high-risk moves.

Signature Moves:

Shenlong: Flying hurricanrana

Heavyarms: Rapid series of hands strikes finished off with a shoulder thrust.

Sandrock: He removes his protective mask and hits his opponet in the face with it.


Wingzero: Shooting Star Press

Deathscythe: Roundhouse kick to the head of a rising opponent.

Last edited by Johnny Evil; 2006-05-23 4:53 AM.