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Joined: Sep 2002
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Killconey - Persona: For Killconey, Revenge of the Nerds isn't a movie, it's a way of life. Killconey was Captain Sammitch's and Chewy Walrus's roommate back in college, but the former fanboy set aside his twenty-sided dice and Sandman trade paperbacks for nunchaku and free weights. As the lightweight high-flyer of the Sudden Death Connection, Killconey is capable of taking quite a bit of punishment and dishing out quite a bit in return - but he's almost as psychologically unstable as he is physically agile. Consider him a face if only by association, and because he loves playing to the crowd. Killconey excels at putting an audience in stitches with his in-ring antics - and then laying down some serious pwn4g3 on his opponent.
- Entrance Music: Also Sprach Zarathustra, as featured in 2001.
- Clothing: Killconey wears red superhero tights with a blue Zorro-type mask and a blue cape, belt, and boots. The emblem on his chest is a stylized blue ferret - meant to represent the talking ferret Killconey in the fantasy epic Redwall. Killconey carries a variety of weapons ranging from his +1 Ball-Peen Hammer of Righteousness to his +2 Nunchaku of Battery to his +3 Wooden Sword of Splintering.
- Wrestling Style: Killconey is certifiably crazy out of the ring, but in the ring, his high-flying insanity knows no bounds. Killconey has no qualms about executing obscenely risky aerobatic moves, just because it's fun. When exchanging blows with other wrestlers up close, Killconey simply lets fly with a rather undisciplined flurry of martial-arts strikes, then tries to maneuver his opponent to set up one of his many signature moves...
- Signature Moves:
Earthfall: flipping (flying) neckbreaker
The Dragon Reborn: Dragonrana - the attacker performs a front flip from the top rope before executing the hurricanrana
Submission - The Path of Daggers: Bow and arrow hold - The attacker kneels on his opponent's back with both knees, hooking the head with one arm and the legs with the other. He then rolls back so that his opponent is suspended on his knees above him, facing up. The attacker pulls down with both arms while pushing up with the knees to bend the victim's back.
Finishers - Ender's Game: Flip piledriver - The wrestler begins by latching onto the opponent's back, with his head to one side of his opponent's hips, and his legs around his opponent's head. The wrestler then flips over into a sit-down piledriver
The Fires of Heaven: Corkscrew senton - this senton is performed by executing a backflip, then spinning 720°, landing on a fallen opponent back-first
Xenocide: Shooting star piledriver - springboard shooting star press executed on a standing wrestler that is so unpredictable it can end in either a facebuster, a ddt, or the ultimate goal, a piledriver
- Affiliation: Sudden Death Connection (Meeko, PenWing, Captain Sammitch, Chewy Walrus)