Team Members:
    Chris Oakley
  • El Superbeasto
  • Nuriko(manager)

Signature Moves:
The Odd Man Out(a variation on the Dudley Death Drop Chris and Superbeasto use as their main finisher in tag matches)
Red Alert(a variation on John Cena's F-U;Chris' finisher in singles matches)
Chokeslam to Oblivion(Superbeasto's finisher in singles competition)
The Journey Into Exile(a variation on the Road Warriors' Doomsday Device)

Though outwardly they seem radically different, deep down they all have one thing in common...a desire to be part of the RDCW elite and a determination to crush anyone who opposes their plans to dominate the federation.All four members of the team are exiles from the RDCW mainstream,hence their collective moniker as the Outcasts.

Upcoming Matches:
Chris Oakley will meet Spandex Monkey Man in a grudge match on the 4/25 edition of Havoc; the entire team has challenged the MWO to face them in an eight-man tag team match at Re-hash

Last edited by Louie Bastardo; 2007-04-19 4:59 PM.