'Rough Justice' plays, and The Tuesday Night Rockers make their way to the ring. The crowd pops them, and Nuriko, Terri Savitz and AJR join them on their way down to the ring. The six all enter the ring, with the Rockers holding the ropes open for the other three. Fantastic is then handed a mic by AJR and begins to talk

James Fantastic: Y'all saw what happened with my match against Chris Oakley. El Daga tried to hitch a lift on the Rockers express-way straight to the top by comign out after the match and throwing his weight around, Well, El Daga, the button's been pressed and the lift in going straight down!

Marcum: He's back, and he still doesn't make any sense!

James Fantastic: As far as The Tuesday Night Rockers are concerned, the only thing on our minds is Halloween Handjobs, and our match! On that night, The Rockers are going to take the show to the people! Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Coming soon to a Cheese-Dome near you, THE TUESDAY NIGHT ROCKERRRRRRRS!

The crowd pops Fantastic, and he hands Tommy the mic

Tommy Savitz: What can I say? If there's one thing about RDCW that will always keep you coming back for more, it's you guys out in the stands! You fuckin' rule!

Cheers and applause

Tommy Savitz: On the matter of the tag match, Fantastic has pretty much said it all, but I've got something else to add. Oakley, feel free to go after you old teammate, but y'all better wait until after our tag match. Focus on that, boys, or your asses are gonna get kicked all the way to Mars! At Halloween Handjobs, I'm gonna get in that ring, take you all on and drop you on that mat faster than you can say 'Santa del Mierda'!

Marcum: What's he talking about?

Monroe: It's 'Holy Shit' in Spanish!

Tommy Savitz: Buckle up and get ready for the Tommy train, cos brother The crowd join in I'm that DAMN good!

The crowd cheers again, even louder than before, and Tommy Savitz grins. AJR takes the mic

AJR: Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to extend a most cordial invitation to an old colleague of mine, Doc Paragon. Simply put, Doc, get the hell out and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!

The crowd laughs, and cheers

Marcum: Wadday know! AJR does have some spirit after all!

Monroe: Doc Paragon was AJR's oldest foem dumbass!

Rough Justice plays again, and The Rockers make their way to the back via the audience, exchanging high fives with their fans and signing autographs