Kickstart my heart blasts outta the speakers

Monroe:"Its Nowhereman."

Marcum:"He has no right coming out here,he hasnt even got a match tonight!"

NM makes his way to the ring

NM:"Hellooooooo Cheesedome!"

fans cheer at this cheap pop

NM:"Well once again it would seem our esteemed general manager,thedoctor,has once again seen fit to deprive you fans the chance to see me in action!"

The fans boo,and chant Doc sucks

NM:"He does indeed,and from what I hear,Rob often gives him a raise!"

Fans chant Rob is gay

NM:"But enough of the backdoor boys,lets talk about something a bit more!"

NM poses for a few seconds,soaking up the cheers from the crowd

NM:"Now as it stands,not only do I not have a match tonight,I do not,as yet,have a match for Halloween Handjobs,a PPV that I named incidentally.
Now I am sure this is just an oversight on the part of thecocktor as guys like Balls Sweaty & Chris Jokely with his band of mariachis,have matches!"

Marcum:"He's just jealous that he isnt a GM anymore!"

NM:"It would also seem that thecocktor has some kinda new enforcer in the form of Doc Mediocre,well I guess thats gonna stop us all from getting outta line huh!"

NM shakes his head as he paces the ring

NM:"So Cock.....I mean Doc,are ya gonna wise up & give me a match at HH or am I gonna have to make my own special kinda impact?"

Monroe:"It sounds like Nowhereman has made an open challenge!"

Marcum:"It sounds like Nowhereman is talking outta his ass!"


Kickstart my heart blasts out as Nowhereman leaves