'I Predict a Riot' plays, and Charlie makes his way to the ring, clad in his new ring gear and carrying an expensive looking silver cane.
Monroe: Charlie's looking a lot different, folks!
Marcum: Damn right! He's looking better than ever!
The crowd boos Charlie intensely, but Charlie ignores them and walks over to the commentator's table, where Marcum hands him a mic and shakes his hand. Charlie then gets into the ring
Charlie: So, Balls Nasty thinks he knows who I am? Well, Mr. Nasty, I have to correct you there. You don't know me, you just think you do. All you know is what I want you to know, and that's not gonna help you at Halloween Handjobs. This Sunday, I am gonna beat you until you beg for mercy, and then, and only then, will I take your belt. You can rbing all your little scientologist friends along, you can bring along all of L. Ron Hubbard's so called masterpieces, but that won't matter worth a damn when I KICK YOUR ASS!!!!
Marcum: You tell him Charlie!
Charlie: On the matter of washed up has-beens, I hear Nowhereman wanst a match at Halloween Handjobs. Well, how's this, Nowherehack. You step into the ring with me and Balls Nasty and I'll take you down as well?
The fans boo at Charlie's remarks, particularly his running down of Nowhereman
Charlie: One final thing, before I go. The Dark Lords have been making a lot of noise lately, beating down Joe Mama and acting like the big guys of RDCW. All I gotta say is this: Who the hell are you? Las ttime I checked The Bastardo's were the biggest dogs in the RDCW, and you want to take a piece of the action? I'll take any of you on, or all of you at once if you're too scared to face me alone!
Marcum: Of course they're too scared! Charlie's unstoppable.
Charlie: As for you, Joe, I'm not done with you yet. You better take care at Halloween Handjobs, because I don't care if you're in hospital or not, I will take you down. And I want you to remember, when you're lying on the ground and I'm standing over you, You Made It This Way!
'I Predict a Riot' plays, and Charlie leaves