*The ring is decked out with pink and black tiling. There are two vinyl cushioned stools and mic stands in the center of the ring.*
Monroe: Folks, it's been a while but here we are, about to be treated to another installment of Meeko's Mic Night!
Marcum: And here I am without my barf bag.
Monroe: You know, I would have thought a guy like you enjoys seeing pink.
*The fans cheer as "Strike It Up" starts playing. Meeko, sporting her pink pinstriped black business suit, makes her way to the ring. She takes the mic in hand.*
Meeko: Welcome to Meeko's Mic Night!
*The crowd cheers even louder.*
Meeko: I know it's been a while, so I wanted to come back with a guest that would really get your heads turning. This former superhero used to run around the Cheesedome fighting injustice. Now, it seems his actions are being called unjust. Ladies and Gentlemen, hailing from the bowels of the Cheesedome, he is one fifth of the Dark Lords, Spandex Monkey Man!
Monroe: Meeko got SPAMM on her show? How did she manage that?
Marcum: She's the only one dumb enough to voluntarily stand alone in the ring with the loon!
*"Wings of a Butterfly" starts playing as SPAMM makes his way to the ring, cradling Mr. Sledge Hammer. Meeko takes her seat and motions for SPAMM to do the same as he enters the ring. However, SPAMM remains standing, taking the mic*
SPAMM: First and foremost, I do not hail as you claim, from 'The Bowels of The Cheese-Dome'. Such a place is home only to craven beings such as ROY BATTY and Llance, craven pirates of the back passage!
*There is much amusement among the fans at SPAMM's comments.*
Marcum: What on earth he's talking about?
Monroe: You don't wanna know, trust me!
Meeko: I can assure you that the only bowels I was referring to was the cellar of the Cheesedome. Moving on, up until recently you were a firm fan favourite, but you've turned your back on them to join The Dark Lords. What happened to cause this change in philosophy?
SPAMM: You're questions are as the pointless babblings of a child. I have said what I have to say on this, and will say no more.
*There are a few angry mutterings among the crowd, but Meeko retains her cool.*
Meeko: Ohkaaaay. In the past, you led your own team in the form of the RDJL, but now you're playing fourth wheel to Grimm, Darth and Pig Iron. Isn't that quite a step down for you?
SPAMM: Let me say this: Being a lesser member of the most dangerous group in RDCW is better than leading a team of neverwere undercarders and inexperienced fools!
Meeko: You're last comment is presumably a reference to your former tag partner Tommy Savitz, now a member of The Tuesday Night Rockers...
*The crowd cheers whole-heartedly at the mention of the Rockers*
Meeko: ...Who was an old friend of yours. Speaking of friends, it seems that since you've joined the Dark Lords, the only friends you have are a Staple Gun and a Sledge Hammer...
*SPAMM cuts her off.*
SPAMM: You're questions are boring, and your attitude angers me.
*SPAMM runs at Meeko with Mr. Sledge Hammer. She attempts to dodge the move but SPAMM connects with a shattering blow that sends Meeko over the top rope and onto the mat hard. SPAMM then grabs Meeko's mic.*
Monroe: Buhgawb! How could SPAMM do that to Meeko?
Marcum: You mean how could Meeko do that to herself!
SPAMM: Last week, Doc Paragon attempted to intefere in my match, costing me a victory against Chewy Walrus. This week, I have a chance to gain my revenge in a flaming tables match. I know that such a match strikes at the heart of all you claim to hold dear, but I will give you this warning: Stay out of the match, or you will pay in blood and soul. So Sayeth The Monkey Man!
*Suddenly, 'Ode to Joy' plays, and Doc Paragon appears on the ramp, mic in hand.*
Paragon: "Spandex Monkey Man. You are a perfect example of the corruption that has run rampant in the RDCW for far too long. When you first arrived here, you attempted to set an example for our youth. Fair play and goodness were on display every time you set foot in the CheeseDome. And you even displayed a modicum of wrestling ability. Nothing close to mine, of course. But a fraction of talent, nonetheless.
But then, something inside of you changed. That band of paganistic hoodlums you've aligned yourself with have perverted your very being and soul. You have been warped into a degenerate hoodlum. Recreated in your master's own image.
But I will help you, Spamm. At the upcoming pay per view, I will reignite the spark that once burned inside of you and teach you the path back to righteousness and glory. I will set the RDCW back on the path to greatness. If I have to do it one person at a time.
It starts now. Gentlemen. . .remove his friends from the ring."
*Paragon gestures as several security guards head down the rampway and surround Spamm. Spamm attempts to fight them off, but they surround him and remove Mr. Sledge Hammer and Mr. Staple Gun from his hands. As the guards leave the ring, the furious Spamm paces around holding the mic.*
*"Ode to Joy" cues up again as Spamm warns Paragon.*
SPAMM: You. . .just made the biggest mistake of your life.
Marcum: I can't beleive what I just saw! Paragon is insane!
Monroe: He's doing his job! That staple gun and sledge hammer are a disgrace to this institution!
Marcum: They're SPAMM's best friends! You can't just take away a man's best friends and expect to get away with it!
Monroe: They're inanimate objects!
Marcum: You want to try explaining that to him? They're his friends, and I have a feeling SPAMM will do just about anything to get them back!