Singles Match: Rex vs. Doc.Mid-Nite

Rex showed few signs of ring rust upon his return to action, but the night belonged to the dangerous veteran, Doc Mid-Nite. The two competitors went back and forth, Rex using his brawling skill against Doc’s mix of lucha libre style and hardcore maneuvers. Rex attempted his finisher – the Sock Puppet (pump-handle power slam) – too early though, and Doc Mid-Nite easily reversed it into his “Lethal Dose” DDT. The stunned Rex was an easy mark for a “Long Kiss Goodnight” flying elbow, which would’ve been enough to seal the victory for Doc Mid-Nite. But Doc was aiming to send a message to the rest of the RDCW – yelling “Protect Yo’ Neck!!!” to the back, Doc drove Rex to the mat with his devastating finisher, The Blackout Bomb. The three-count was nothing more than a formality…