Hardcore Division match
Charlie vs. Bibbo

The match started as Bibbo and Charlie got down to business, trading a series of vicous punches before Charlie flung Bibbo out of the ring through the ropes. He then followed him out with a dive through the ropes, slamming Bibbo in the barrier.

Monroe: That's gotta hurt!

Charlie then hauled Bibbo to his feet and slammed his back into the apron, but Bibbo was able to fight through the pain and came back by executing a Drop Toe Hold on Charlie that dropped him onto the edge of the ring apron. Bibbo then proceeded to pound on Charlie as he lay on the mats, eventually setting him up for a piledriver, but Charlie reversed this into an Alabama Slam onto the concrete!

Marcum: There's no way Bibbo can come back from that! Charlie's got the match sewn up!

Charlie then picked up Bibbo and rolled him back into the ring before going for a pin, but the ref stopped counting on 1 as Charlie had his feet on the ropes. Charlie started to argue with the ref, allowing Bibbo to come back with a low blow before grabbing a steel chair.

Monroe: Bibbo's got a chair! He's going to attack Charlie with it!

Marcum: How original!

Bibbo slammed the chair down on Charlie's back, but Charlie ignored the pain and made it to his feet before nailing Bibbo with a vicious clothesline. He then whipped Bibbo into the ropes and hit him with an Enforcer as he came back. He then went outside the ring and pulled a table out from under the apron.

Monroe: What's he gonna do with the table?

Marcum: Put Bibbo through it, maybe?

Charlie then threw the table back into the ring, before following it in and setting it up. He then whipped Bibbo into the corner before hitting a Stinger Splash. As Bibbo struggled to fight through the pain Charlie lifted him to the top and hitting a thunderous Tower of London, right through the table!

Monroe: Tower of London right through the table! BUHGAWD!

Charlie then went for a pin, scoring a three count to win the match as the crowd booed. Suddenly, the stomping beat of "We Will Rock You" started blasting over the speakers. The crowd quickly started to cheer as a worried look came over Charlie's face.

Monroe: It's PenWing! He's back for vengeance!

Marcum: He's back to get beat again is more like it!

As the song ended Howler and Highwayman walked onto the stage holding up hockey sticks. They pointed to Charlie and started laughing as a big smile came over his face. The crowd quickly booed after realizing the prank.

Monroe: Well that's just about the rudest thing they could do to these fans!

Marcum: The fans? Forget the fans! Charlie almost pissed his pants! What a practical joke! This is why the Family owns the RDCW!