
the G-man said:
Unfortunately, that particular genie is out of the bottle.

That is true!

Which leads me to a personal opinion.

I don't like Israel, I've never had and I probably never will. This has nothing to do with anti-semitism or whatever. I simply do not agree that it was the right thing to give the israeli that land.

But, the fact of the matter is, Israel is there! And we are allied with it.
And the statements from the Iranian president is, as G-man said, as close to a declaration of war as you can come, without actually declaring war.

I sincerely hope that war won't be the outcome. I sincerely hope that the UN will listen to Israel for once and kick Iran out.

And if war does become neccessary, then Fuck Iran and let's grind them into dust!

Racks be to MisterJLA