Right before the two goliaths clash Harley gets up off of Grimm's lap. She is calm and the fury that had flashed before in her eyes when Joe Mama called her by her birth name is now gone. One look at both Grimm and Joe Mama's faces and it clear that neither is sure as to what she plans on doing. They were not prepared for this. Harley's face betrays nothing. The Cheesedome goes quiet in anticipation, eager to see what she is going to do.

Harley approachs Joe Mama and he looks at her perplexed, uncertain as to what she wants. She stops a breath away from Joe Mama and looks up into his face. She looks almost... sad... regretful. She holds out her hands and for a moment JM doesn't understand, but then it dawns on him - Harley wants his bleeding hands. He holds them out to her, blood dripping from his damaged hands and she takes them tenderly.

Marcum: I don't believe it! I don't believe it! What is she doing?!!

Monroe: Is Harley leaving the Dark Lords? Is what Joe Mama said finally hitting her?

Marcum: Look! Grimm is beside himself!

The camera flashes over to Grimm and his face is flush with anger - and though we can't hear what he is saying he is is clearly confused, betrayed, and irate.

Harley: (she raises her face up from viewing his ruined hands and looks up tenderly at JM) You poor, poor baby...

Grimm is in the background still stomping around, looking annoyed, his face a mask of disbelief. JM has a smug look that crosses his - it is the look of "I told you so" and he smiles triumphantly at Grimm. As Joe Mama looks sweetly at her Harley brings his right hand up to her face in one quick move brings his bloodied hand across her mouth. Joe Mama looks horrified and the crowd goes wild. Harley licks Joe Mama's blood from her lips, his blood still smeared across part of her mouth, and she smiles a wicked smile.

Harley: Delicious. I'm sure Grimm will enjoy drinking your blood even more.

Harley turns on her heel and leaves a shocked Joe Mama in the ring. She struts back to Grimm. Grimm is smirking at the turn of events. She looks at Grimm and says, "It's your turn, baby. Take him."

The Cheesedome is in an uproar as Grimm and Joe Mama prepare to face each other...

Dear, sweet Harley Kwink...I'm madly in love with you. Marry me! We can go to Canadia. Or Boston or something. It'll be grand...You know the cookies are a given. They are ALWAYS a given. You could dump me tomorrow and you'd still get the cookies. Boston..shit, wherever dyke weddings were legalized. And where better to rub their little piggie noses in how bad they suck than right on their doorstep? What are they gonna do? Be jealous of you? Stare furiously at your tah-tahs? Not willingly give you cookies, but instead begrudgingly give you their cookies? Woman, time to wake up to the powers you wield - Uschi