After several long moments, Grimm pulls himself to his feet. He's holding his ribs with one arm and rolls into the ring. He breaks Mick Foliage's count and rolls back outside and begins looking for something under the ring.

He pulls a ladder out from under the ring and sets one end on the ring apron and the other on the guardrail. He turns to head back towards the announce position, but Joe Mama is waiting for him! JM goes for a clothesline, but Grimm ducks under and attempts a bearhug! Pain shoots through his ribs, however, and he releases Joe.

Joe nails a right hand and looks out to the crowd. A fan in the front row hands Joe Mama a pumpkin pie. JM looks at the pie and with a wicked grin, he smashes it directly into Grimm's face!

MarcuM: I hear Grimm loves to eat pie!

Monroe: What?

MarcuM: Well, what's what Harley told me!

Joe irish whips Grimm into the ladder and Grimm bounces off and hits the floor, holding his ribs! Joe pulls the ladder down and sets it up before starting to climb to the top!

Monroe: He's going up to the top!

MarcuM: No! Don't do it! It's too dangerous!

Monroe: I have to agree! This is an extremely risky move!

JM flies off the top of the ladder, going for his patented Flying Teabag Slam, but Grimm lifts up his knees as JM crashes into them! Both men are rolling on the floor in pain.


Grimm tries to pull himself back up, but his ribs are hurting bad. Harleykwin heads over to help lift him back up. She walks him over to the ring and he rolls back in, still holding his ribs.

JM slowly gets back up and heads for the apron. As he starts to roll in, Harleykwin runs back over and using the apron, kicks him in the back of the head!

Monroe: She's not supposed to be in the match like this!

JM slumps back overon the apron as Grimm pulls himself into a sitting position in the corner. Mick Foliage begins to count again. Grimm reaches over and grabs on the barbed wire ballbats and tries to stand. Joe pulls himself into the ring again and crawls over to where the other bat is laying.

He picks himself up and both rush towards the center of the ring where Mick Foliage is standing. Both men deliver one devastating swing as Grimm aims for the head and neck and Joe aims for the chest and ribs! The pair of barbed wire wrapped ball bats collide with Mick Foliage violently as all three men fall in the center of the ring!

Monroe: My Gob. . .

MarcuM: This is too much. They have to stop this.

All three men are down in the center of the ring and not moving.

Monroe: We have to get someone down here? Can we get someone down here to check on them?

Finally, GM The Doctor and several officials race down to the ringside area and carefully step into the ring. After looking over the carnage, they signal to the back for help as several EMTs head down to the area with gurneys.

All three men are loaded onto the gurneys carefully and wheeled out of the arena and to ambulances in the parking lot.

Monroe: Fans, this is terrible. This. . .we knew this match would be violent. . .we knew it would be brutal. . .

MarcuM: Everything's covered in blood! My costume's ruined!

Monroe: Fans, we can only hope we haven't witnessed the end of these men's careers tonight. We'll see you on Tuesday Night Havoc and hopefully we'll have an update on their status. Good night and Gob bless.