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#592115 2005-11-04 7:36 PM
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Thursday, November 3, 2005 – Orlando, FL
By: Marcus Cygy

The 2-hour special of TNA iMPACT! started off with a video package highlighting the key moments of TNA, from the beginning to the present. Past appearances by Hulk Hogan, Sting, Macho Man Randy Savage, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall were highlighted with the current stars such as AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, and Monty Brown being shown as the future of professional wrestling. And now, it was time for your 2-hour adrenaline rush to begin with Total Nonstop Action Wrestling iMPACT!.

This match was a wild match right from the get go. It had Jeff Hardy starting out, and later on, both Elix Skipper and David Young had the double team advantage against Sabu. David Young and Elix Skipper both took turns with the offense, but it was Lance Hoyt who stood up and put the halt to that, thus breaking out the mayhem. In all the chaos, Lance Hoyt directed the traffic, as Jeff Hardy was able to deliver the Swanton onto Elix Skipper for the win.

Winners: Jeff Hardy, Lance Hoyt, & Sabu

- Post match had Simon Diamond and his crew regroup and head to the back as Abyss, accompanied by James Mitchell, made their impact felt as Sabu suffered the Black Hole Slam. Much to Sabu’s luck, Jeff Hardy and Lance Hoyt were able to get Abyss to bail out and wait until Genesis. It will be Abyss vs. Sabu on November 13, 2005 at TNA Genesis in a No Disqualification match, live on pay-per-view.


- We were back as Shane Douglas was backstage with Jeff Jarrett. Shane Douglas reiterated that this will be Jarrett’s only chance against Rhino for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Jarrett understood and reiterated himself that he would be walking out the champion and making history. It was Monty Brown that then busted onto the scene and said he wants the winner, and he said he hopes Jarrett wins so he can beat Jarrett for the most prestigious prize, the NWA World Heavyweight Title.

Monty Brown started this match out with the offense by right away delivering a double arm suplex, followed by a released overhead slam after a back breaker by the knee. Right after, Gamble suffered The Pounce from The Alpha Male. The fans chanted “one more time” and that’s exactly what the got, Monty lifted Gamble up and quickly hit another Pounce! The fans again chanted “one more time” and Monty was sure to deliver! The third Pounce put this one in the books!

Winner: Monty Brown

- A video package was shown highlighting the success by NWA World Heavyweight Champion,Rhino in TNA thus far.


- A video hyping the X-Division welcomed us back with stars to the likes of AJ Styles, Petey Williams, Samoa Joe, and Christopher Daniels being showcased among others.

This X-Division Six Man Tag Team match started off with Alex Shelley and Austin Aries hooking it up against each other. Aries showed his great agility by beating Shelley to punch so to speak. Aries then tagged in Sonjay Dutt shortly thereafter where they used a bit of double team tactics. Sonjay had the advantage as a frustrated Alex Shelley tried countering to only be countered back. Moments later however, Shelley was able to kick Dutt in the gut and tag in Samoa Joe as Joe gave a series of stiff lethal kicks to the chest of Sonjay. Thereafter, Joe charged Dutt with a knee into the corner twice. Joe then had Dutt down in the corner, but Christopher Daniels tagged himself in. Miscommunication appeared to be a concern for Joe as he went to his corner. Seconds later, AJ Styles was in the ring as he took it to Daniels. But then it was Joe who made the blind tag as Joe and AJ faced off. AJ was able to lock in a death lock, while Sonjay came in and locked a submission on Shelley as Aries locked one on Daniels as well. Moments later, AJ and Aries showed great X style against Joe in the corner with a series of blows to where Aries then performed a suicide dive to the outside on Shelley and Daniels. As Aries was getting back in however, Joe came charging at him with a big boot to the face sending him back down. It was then Samoa Joe who had Aries back in the ring as he redefined the meaning of domination. Joe then however tagged in Daniels to finish it off. AJ Styles now though was able to take out all opposing combatants, even Samoa Joe after having to take extra effort. Now we had everyone loose as they all broke out their signature moves. Ultimately in the end it was communication problems with Daniels and Joe once again as AJ as able to then gain quick advantage and hit the Styles Clash on Alex Shelley for the victory for his team.

Winners: AJ Styles, Austin Aries, & Sonjay Dutt


- iMPACT! was back as Shane Douglas was backstage with NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Rhino. Rhino explained how he had the heart of a champion by winning all three of his matches at Bound For Glory and even becoming the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Rhino exclaimed that for the past four years he had to deal with politics and scumbags, but not here in TNA. Raven then made an abrupt appearance by saying Rhino had it easy with Zbyszko not after him. Raven said that Rhino had his title. Shortly after, Zbyszko with security took Raven out of the building. Rhino went back to saying that he was going to remain the NWA World Heavyweight Champion tonight by giving the GORE to Jeff Jarrett.

Bobby Roode and Brother Devon traded off the offensive advantage to begin this match. Later on in the match, Team Canada had their usual tactics coming into play by using their Canadian ways against Devon with Coach D’Amore at ringside. However, Devon was able to later hit a double arm clothesline, thus tagging in Brother Ray. Ray then downed Team Canada one by one as he also stacked them up in the corner and speared them. Bobby Roode was thrown out as Brother Ray went to work on Young with a neck breaker. Roode was able to get back in the ring to only be dropped by Ray with a back slam. Moments later, it was Eric Young that was being measured up by Team 3D as they hit the 3D finisher for the victory.

Winners: Team 3D

- 3Live Kru had come down and take care of A1 ringside who was going to take out Team 3D with the hockey stick. Up next was the Ultimate X match!


- A video package was shown highlighting the history of the Ultimate X match.

Bentley and Sabin started this out with the double team on Petey. They both then immediately wanted to climb the scaffold and tear down the X. That wasn’t going to happen as Petey took them out and now he wanted to try. Sabin though came right up behind and delivered a loud kick to the back of Petey Williams. His head was now wedged into the scaffold. After a high power move on Sabin by Bentley, Petey and D’Amore had Traci cornered on the outside, Bentley came to the save though but now Sabin was climbing the scaffold. Bentley quickly arrived to Sabin’s corner and hit a swinging neck breaker off the top rope. Chris Sabin later on had Petey Williams locked upside down in the corner as he delivered two hard driven running kicks to Petey’s face with the second one requested by the fans. Petey later hit a hurricarana on Sabin to the outside as he then climbed and swung on the ropes on the Ultimate X structure to try and take down the X, but he was brought down. Now Bentley and Sabin now faced off with several opposing moves to where Bentley got the break and got up top to where he broke one side of the X off as Petey Williams brought him down. Bentley did not bring the break down the X completely so he did not get the win. Now Bentley was back up top trying to take the X, but he was distracted with a great offensive opportunity by hitting Petey off of Sabin’s shoulders and also flipping Sabin down. The fans were on their feet chanting TNA! Bentley gave several right hands to Petey, but they were then countered as Petey hit the Russian Leg Sweep and then motioned for the Canadian Destroyer. Bentley telegraphed the move and later hit the Super Kick on Petey. Now Sabin delivered his Cradle Shock finisher as he now climbed the scaffold to go get the X. Petey however took Sabin down and then showcased his Canadian Destroyer finisher on Sabin. Now Bentley was back up top, as was Petey Williams, the two were seen both kicking at each other, but Petey was able to kick and hit a low blow and take down the X to win the Ultimate X Match!

Winner & New #1 Contender: Petey Williams

- The Morphoplex Move Of The Night was The Canadian Destroyer by Petey Williams on Chris Sabin.

- Backstage we saw Team Canada going crazy and taking out the 3Live Kru with hockey sticks.


Jeff Jarrett received his usual inappreciative response, and Rhino received one of the loudest responses from the fans of the iMPACT Zone. The bell then rang signifying the start of this match as the fans chanted “Let’s Go Rhino, Let’s Go!”. Jarrett started off with a drop kick as the fans showed Jarrett what they thought of that. Rhino was back to his feet and gave Jarrett a series of knife edge chops, but Jarrett gave a quick drop toe hold and did his strut, but it was a premature celebration as Rhino went back to work and elevated Jarrett high up above his head and slammed him down. Rhino went for the Gore, but Jarrett wisely went outside of the ring. Rhino followed and tossed Jarrett over the steel guardrail as they were now in the crowd. Later on, Rhino said this was all his as he took at a table from beneath the ring. Jarrett though blind-sided Rhino as he was setting the table up and went back to work on Rhino in the ring. Rhino blocked the offense and was going to hit the Rhino Driver to Jarrett off the top rope but it was the distraction of Gail Kim that had Rhino pushed off the top to the outside by Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett now had the advantage as he jacked the jaw of the champion by sliding to the outside and giving a stiff right. At this time, Jeff Jarrett had all the momentum, but Rhino quickly used the power and strength advantage to buy some offensive time of his own. Rhino caught Jarrett with the elbow, and then a shoulder block in the corner. Jarrett though caught Rhino in the knee and took notice right away of the pain and locked in the figure four on Rhino. Rhino was able to turn over and change the power of strengths. Gail Kim then tried to hit a leg drop but missed. Rhino had her elevated up to throw out as Jarrett then did a small package pin with a near fall. Moments later, Rhino hit a vicious spine buster with a near fall of his own. Rhino then went down to his pocket of moves and delivered a belly to belly suplex to a then attempted Gore and clothesline that then hit the referee. Jarrett then attempted to hit Rhino with the guitar as Rhino ducked and hit the Gore! The referee was out though as Gail Jim circled the ring. Rhino had the guitar in hand as the NWA World Tag Team Champions, America’s Most Wanted came down and distracted Rhino. Jarrett hit the low blow as AMW now took Rhino and hit the Death Sentence to Rhino on the outside through a table. AMW took Rhino and rolled him back in as Jeff Jarrett hit The Stroke and pinned for the victory, thus become the new and 5-time NWA World Heavyweight Champion.

Winner & New NWA World Heavyweight Champion: Jeff Jarrett

- Post match saw the Jeff Jarrett, America’s Most Wanted, and Gail Kim all raise each others arms as the power in TNA is back with this group. What does the future hold for Rhino, and what is Jeff Jarrett’s next move in TNA now that he has recaptured the NWA World Heavyweight Title? What is the future for Team 3D? They were shown backstage after the title win handcuffed and a pool of their own blood; obviously by the hands of America’s Most Wanted.

Tune in on Saturday, November 12, 2005 for the next edition of TNA iMPACT! as we will be less than 24 hours away from Genesis going live on pay-per-view!

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Jeff Jarrett,the only man more power crazy than HHH

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yeah, it seems like he always has the belt, AJ always has the X Division belt, and AMW always has the tag belts. it gets a little old after a while.

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Hardy, Hoyt, & Sabu vs. Diamonds

this was an interesting matchup, but way too short. the face team was intriguing as they're generally not paired together at all and I was curious to see how they would mesh. not enough of these guys.

Monty Brown vs. Gamble

typical Monty Brown squash. boring, but at least it didn't last very long. could've done without this and given the previous six man some more time.

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Grimm said:
yeah, it seems like he always has the belt, AJ always has the X Division belt, and AMW always has the tag belts. it gets a little old after a while.

If TNA seriously wanna take on WWE,they have to do better than this.
Fuck,they have two of the most popular tag teams in wrestling history in their midst,yet one of them isnt even together (New Age Outlaws).

Couldnt Rhino have held the title more than 5 minutes before dropping it back to mister ego?

The fact he is now a five time champ is ridiculous when you consider how long TNA has been going!

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I agree.

Daniels, Shelley, & Joe vs. Styles, Dutt, & Aries

this was an AWESHOME fucking match. great stuff from everybody involved. nice teasing of Joe turning against his partners, too. great stuff.

Team 3D vs. Team Canada

this was a really good tag match. Roode and Young work really well together and they played off of the Duds nicely. Duds hit most of their normal spots but worked well with the Canadians. nothing revolutionary, but very well done.

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Williams vs. Bentley vs. Sabin

Again, this was an AWESHOME fucking match. Sabin and Williams have great chemistry and Bentley fit in really nicely. Plus, we got to see Traci's little red panties. HAWT!!!!

Rhino vs. Jarrett

for shame, TNA. after that HUGE buildup for Rhino you turn around and have him lose back to Jarrett immediately? what the fuck? this was a decent matchup, but damn, how are we supposed to take anyone seriously when Jarrett always has the belt? First Raven, now Rhino. it sucks, and puts a dampener on what could've been a really great card.

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Grimm said:
Monty Brown vs. Gamble

typical Monty Brown squash. boring, but at least it didn't last very long. could've done without this and given the previous six man some more time.

Don't forget his pre-match promo where he compares himself to Ex-Lax.

And who is it here that keeps saying Monty Brown is good on the mic?

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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Heavy weight title history:
19th June 02
Ken Shamrock (7 weeks)
Ron Killings (3 months)
Jeff Jarrett (6 months)
AJ Styles (4 months)
Jeff Jarrett (6 months)
AJ Styles (1 month)
Ron Killings (2 weeks)
Jeff Jarrett (11 months)
AJ Styles (1 month)
Raven (3 months)
Jeff Jarrett (3 weeks)
Rhino (2 weeks)
Jeff Jarrett

All these figures are approximate.

So for a promotion that has been going just over three years,Jarrett has held the belt for two years.

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i thought giving it to jarrett on this primetime debut show was actually a smart move -- more people got to see this episode, and more people know jarrett. it helps hilite the "hey, we have stars, too" notion, to get casual and semi-casual fans interested.

granted, its odd it takes place just days after the belt landed on rhino, but...

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People know Jarrett?
So who the fuck is Rhino?
Rhino has had more exposure since 2000 than Jarrett has had.

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you honestly believe rhino is more popular than jarrett?

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Gotta disagree with you, Rob. The people who know Jarrett more over Rhino right now are the people who already know about TNA and are more than likely already watching it. Having Jarrett take the belt was a stupid move. If any of you saw it, you could hear how behind Rhino the crowd was. They cheered him damned near through the entire match. Jarrett got booed, and that's all. The TNA fans seem to be a bit beyond the regular WWE zombies since they often cheer heels as well as faces based on how good that wrestler is. Besides, TNA spent a good chunk of time with a video package that really pushed Rhino up as one hell of a wrestler. It made sure to show the intense moments of his matches at the last PPV, push the fact that he did The Monster's Ball match, ran a guantlet of (I can't remember the exact number) nine or so competitors, and THEN wrestled Jarrett and won the belt all in the same night. Didn't make much sense to do all that work and then an hour or so later take the belt from him.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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Rob Kamphausen said:
you honestly believe rhino is more popular than jarrett?

My nephew has only ever seen Jarrett in a hand full of video tapes,but Rhino he has watched for years.
My nephew is in his late teens,so you can bet your bottom dollar the teen audience would know a hell of a lot more about Rhino than Jarrett.

Remember something Rob,TNA has not had the exposure WWE has had,and WCW has been off the air for half a decade.
A wrestling audience has a huge teen (and younger) following,so to them,Jarrett is a nobody!

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While I like Jarrett, and think he's a solid performer, I do feel it was a mistake to take the belt off Rhino, unless Jeff Hardy is going to be put over Monty Brown at Genesis to be #1 contender, and JJ will drop the strap to Hardy. Doubtful, but you never know.

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!

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thedoctor said:

Grimm said:
Monty Brown vs. Gamble

typical Monty Brown squash. boring, but at least it didn't last very long. could've done without this and given the previous six man some more time.

Don't forget his pre-match promo where he compares himself to Ex-Lax.

And who is it here that keeps saying Monty Brown is good on the mic?

"Call me the Alpha Ex Lax!" good for hilarity and "what the fuck?!" value and that's about it.

Yeah, I believe that'd be Charlie who's the big Monty Brown advocate.

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Rob Kamphausen said:
you honestly believe rhino is more popular than jarrett?

Insanely more popular. If you watched the show, you would have seen that Rhino was hugely over with the crowd. They were into him big time and TNA pushed his wins at the ppv constantly.

And Rhino was very heavily featured on both Raw and Smackdown (more so, Smackdown I believe) over the last several years. As Nowhereman said, a lot more people have seen Rhino than lately than they have Jarrett.

The recent conversion to Spike TV is the biggest exposure Jarrett's had since WCW folded.

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I would like to point out to the people who compare Jarrett to HHH that Jarrett is not NEARLY the insane camera hog that HHH is. Also, unlike Triple Chin (a.k.a. The Paunch, The Corpulent Assassin), Jarrett appears to be in very good shape.

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!

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Grimm said:

thedoctor said:

Grimm said:
Monty Brown vs. Gamble

typical Monty Brown squash. boring, but at least it didn't last very long. could've done without this and given the previous six man some more time.

Don't forget his pre-match promo where he compares himself to Ex-Lax.

And who is it here that keeps saying Monty Brown is good on the mic?

"Call me the Alpha Ex Lax!" good for hilarity and "what the fuck?!" value and that's about it.

Yeah, I believe that'd be Charlie who's the big Monty Brown advocate.

To be honest, Monty's losing ground every week.

I liked him when we had the online Impact's, but now we're on primetime he's started to suck. With Hoyt gaining ground and Hardy finally back on form I'm switching allegiance to those two.

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he's always sucked, dude. nothing about him has changed since he began with TNA. total shite wrestler.

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King Snarf said:
I would like to point out to the people who compare Jarrett to HHH that Jarrett is not NEARLY the insane camera hog that HHH is. Also, unlike Triple Chin (a.k.a. The Paunch, The Corpulent Assassin), Jarrett appears to be in very good shape.

No Jarrett isnt a camera hog,I mean its not like he has helt the NWA title for two thirds of NWAs lifespan!

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The phrase Snarf used was 'not NEARLY the insane camera hog' not 'isn't a camera hog at all'

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Ok,now TNA is on Spike,lets see if you can still say that in 6 months time!

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All I'm saying is I've never seen a 25+ minute Jarrett promo or segment. Unlike-ahhh... the very-ahh... long-winded-ahh... Triple... H!

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!

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well, they don't have nearly as much tv time a week as WWE does.

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Still, I've noticed that Jarrett's promos are direct and to the point.

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!

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Snarf is right, HHH is ore of a camra hog than HHH. I think people forget because he was gone for a few months. They both are upper mid-card guys thrust in the spotlight by who they know rather than what they draw, and they both have hurt their companies seriously.

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britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
Snarf is right, HHH is ore of a camra hog than HHH. I think people forget because he was gone for a few months. They both are upper mid-card guys thrust in the spotlight by who they know rather than what they draw, and they both have hurt their companies seriously.

That HHH sure gets about,even competing with himself!

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i never learned to type!

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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you)
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you)
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Hip To Be Square
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Hip To Be Square
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King Snarf said:
Still, I've noticed that Jarrett's promos are direct and to the point.

And incredibly boring. Jarrett may not talk as much as HHH, but when he does talk, it feels like he's actually talking longer than HHH.

<sub>Will Eisner's last work - The Plot: The Secret Story of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion
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"Well, as it happens, I wrote the damned SOP," Illescue half snarled, "and as of now, you can bar those jackals from any part of this facility until Hell's a hockey rink! Is that perfectly clear?!" - Dr. Franz Illescue - Honor Harrington: At All Costs

"I don't know what I'm do, or how I do, I just do." - Alexander Ovechkin</sub>
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