Thanks to his latest "meltdown," Howard Dean has just become the new posterboy for the... Republican Party.

Via Drudge:

The DRUDGE REPORT has learned from a top GOP operative that the Republican National Committee will provide state parties with a web video prior to release tomorrow afternoon that shows a white flag waving over images of Democrat leaders making anti-war remarks.

The ad is in response to the controversial comments Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean and 2004 Democratic Presidential nominee John Kerry made earlier in the week.

A Democratic strategist who had the web ad described to her said, "This is way over the top but we have no one to blame but Dean, Kerry and others who continue to pander to the anti-war activists within our party."

The video can be downloaded here (WMV).

I could forgive the Democratic leadership--if you want to call it that--for being anti-war, if being against the war that was truly their case.

But, as noted, on the "Who is Lying About Iraq" thread, it isn't.

The neo-copperheads do not care about the American military or the 27 million Iraqi people they would abandon with their soft bigotry, and in many cases, they have nothing but disdain for the men and women who guard their freedoms and the freedom of others.

These "neocops" have one over-riding goal: to defeat George Bush and the Republican Party, no matter what it takes, or who has to die. The want badly to lose Iraq in the hopes that they can score political points from the blood of the Iraqi people and the Democrat-driven defeat of American servicemen.

The defeatists deserve defeat.