
Matter-eater Man said:
Kerry's quote was taken way out of context. There is another thread where G-man brought it up.He didn't say anything bad unless you totally ignore the context. I've only seen the one snippet of Dean's. He's claiming it's being cherry picked. Personally I would like to see a transcript of the radio show he was on to see what he said.

In what way was Kerry's quote taken out of context. He accused the troops of terrorising women and children. In what context was that missunderstood. As far as Deans quote. I've heard it in it's entirety juxtoposed with his backpeddaling. Frankly he's full of crap, but because I've heard it I can't post it. I honestly think he says things like it was taken out of context because he knows the faithfull will believe him and not acctually look at what he said to see if it really could have been. If you were to see the entire quote and the context which Dean describes doesn't exist would that change your opinion or are you just stalling in hopes of moving on?

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