
Matter-eater Man said:

the G-man said:
I realize that you think Kerry's additional langugage somehow vitiates what he said. However, as I pointed out, at best this makes it sound as if Kerry thinks terrorizing women and children would be okay if the Iraqis were the ones doing it.

Which, come to think of it, has been their stated policy belief for some time.

The democratic leadership (but not Joe Lieberman) has been bemoaning the idea that we removed Saddam from power for quite some time now. Saddam terrorized Iraqi women and children. Saddam was Iraqi. Therefore, the democratic leadership must think that terrorising women and children is okay if an Iraqi is the one doing the terrorizing.

Sorry I missed where the Democratic leadership said anything other than that Saddam was an evil person. Considering how you guys take things out of context for political spin I'm not surprised anymore that you can present something loony like "Therefore, the democratic leadership must think that terrorising women and children is okay if an Iraqi is the one doing the terrorizing. " as a serious arguement. Shame on you.

Look no futher than your above out-of-context deliberately misleading remark that "Bush made comments that undermined the morale of our troops" in your 180-degree distortion of what he truly said, and my correction of it.

I'd add that you (and other liberals) do this quite often.

I'm hard-pressed to find a remark by conservatives that is similarly false.

And I would also argue that conservative/Republican remarks (such as saying that Democrat remarks are traitorous or treasonous, or undermining our troops in Iraq ) are a solicited response to incredibly inflammatory statements by Democrats.
( i.e.,
  • alleging that Bush LIED to take the nation to war on false pretenses,
  • alleging that it's all about Republican greed/ war-for-profit,
  • or alleging it's all about oil,
  • alleging that Iraq is paid for with the lives of the poor, so bad ol' Republicans can get richer,
  • alleging that Bush knew in advance about 9-11 and let it happen,
    and ON AND ON )

Saying that liberal/democrat remarks feed the P.R. machine of our enemies, and embolden and inspire terrorism against our soldiers and civilians, far from a false charge, is visibly true !

Without such inflammatory --and treasonous-- remarks by Democrats, on pretty much a daily basis, that endanger the country as a whole, for their own liberal-partisan political short-term gain, there would be no need for Republicans to respond and defend themselves, in full context, against inflammatory and false allegations, with rhetoric that only approaches the corrosive acid of Democrat remarks.

So... shame on YOU !


Matter-eater Man said:
So would it fair for me to say Bush really supports North Korea's leader & all his evil deeds because he isn't taking him out of action using the military? Or does your logic only come into play for Dems?

No, it would be fair to say that dictatorships across the world cringed at the thought that they might be next, for such a U.S. invasion to end their tyranny.
Including North Korea.

And it would be fair to say that the fruit of that is manifest in Libya's surrender of their nuclear weapons program, in Lebanon's election and move out of Syria's influence, that Aizerbaijan will have an election soon, and that Iraq will have their third election in about a week.

As well as high anxiety among the Syrian government, and public opposition to the sitting government there.

And pressure for elections in Jordan and Saudi Arabia as well.

And far from having a separate standard for Democrats, I strongly supported the invasions of Haiti, Bosnia, and Kosovo under Clinton's presidency.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.