
Jim Jackson said:


DtWB said:

So in attacking the President in the most vicious way, that alone to me is treasonous and pointless.

Treasonous is a big charge to make.

Take a look at the remarks being made by Democrats in Washington.
The shoe fits.

If the same doubt and calls for immediate withdrawal existed regarding postwar Germany from 1946-1948, then there likely would not be a thriving democracy there today.

If the German people in 1946 saw the same wavering commitment that exists in Iraq today, the constant liberal cries for immediate withdrawal of U.S. forces that provide the only stability, emboldening Nazi resistance to U.S. occupation, then many German leaders and citizens would have lost faith in reform, and cut deals with people they were afraid of to protect themselves and their families.

I think things would have already stabilized in Iraq, if not for the constant calls for premature withdrawal that have emboldened insurrectionists in Iraq to wait us out, rather than surrender to overwhelming U.S. force.


Jim Jackson said:


DtWB said:

Because it just undermines the President's ability to act in the nation's defense, on false charges undermining his credibility worldwide.

Bush today accepted responsibility for going to war in Iraq based on faulty intelligence. "I am responsible," he said.

How can what someone else says about Bush or the war undermine the President's credibility? His own actions do that.

That is deliberate misrepresentation of what Bush truly said.

Bush admitted to mistakes in managing the war. Not that he lied.
And as McCain and others have said repeatedly, mistakes have been made, yes, as they have been in every war ever fought.

Every government in Europe and the Middle East that gathered intelligence on Saddam's Iraq ALL believed Saddam had WMD's.
Saddam Hussein himself believed he had WMD's.
Saddam's generals mostly believed he had WMD's, they just believed that generals other than themselves were entrusted with Saddam's WMD program.

ALL these people were wrong. Not just Bush.

What is the only way we've discovered Saddam likely had no WMD's?
Because we invaded and searched the country.

Three federal investigations of the pre-war intelligence have shown Bush did NOT deliberately mislead the nation.

So liberals are full of crap when they make these allegations.

Particularly opportunistic liberals who falsely allege, and know they are falsely alleging, that "Bush knew" there were no WMD's.

It's fair to say that Bush has made some huge mistakes in conducting the Iraq war/occupation/reconstruction.
That's fair to say.
But it is pure slander to say : "Bush LIED".

Deeply destructive and divisive to the nation.
On completely baseless charges.
All for the petty short-term political gain of liberal Democrats.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.