
Wonder Boy said:

Matter-eater Man said:
I would just point out it's the RNC that produced the fundraising ad that takes quotes out of contexts. As the Slate article points out the RNC even takes a comment Boxer made that repeats what Rumsfield said 2 weeks before?!? Care to explain?

Boxer's comments are in a negative connotation, implying that U.S. troops in Iraq are losing and/or destructive to Iraq, and to remove them prematurely before Iraq's own army is ready to take over operations. ...

I doubt she agrees with how the quote was used or the implications you read into them. Here is what she said...
Boxer: They keep saying -- the President says, and Rumsfeld says, that there's 200,000 Iraqi trained troops. Fine. Let them defend their own country. We cannot do this forever. No country survives when foreign troops are in there defending the country. They have to do this.
So there's no specific timeframe, but I would say the withdrawal ought to start now, right after the elections, December 15th. We've gone up before the elections, as John Kerry said. We can start bringing those troop levels down, and I'd like to start with the National Guard.

I don't see where she's implying that the troops are losing/or destructive to Iraq. She is saying Iraq has enough troops to do what they need to be doing. And again the bit the RNC picks out is what Rumsfield said 2 weeks before.

Fair play!