
Wonder Boy said:
I just quoted a Rumsfeld interview on PBS a few days ago, on page 45 of the "It's not about oil or Iraq..." topic

The difference between Boxer's and Rumsfeld's public comments is:

Barbara Boxer advocates pulling out immediately after the Iraqi election (today, Dec 15th), whether the Iraqis are ready or not. That they should be ready and trained to defend themselves, and if they can't, too fucking bad, we're leaving. Let them sink or swim on their own at this point.

If you read the entire interview you would know that is not her position.
WALLACE: No, I just wanted to ask you, though, you talk about a clear timeframe for pulling the troops out. As far as the Iraqis standing up and defending their own country, I'm sure the president would say that that's his policy, too. You say you want a clear timeframe for pulling the troops out. What is a clear timeframe?

BOXER: I've never said an exact timeframe. I think you need to be flexible on it. But the fact is it's time to tell the Iraqis we will not be there indefinitely.

And I think one of the points that the Congressman Murtha made when he came up with his proposal is we're talking about a redeployment. Many of those troops will stay in the region. They could be called back for specific raids, to help clear out a town. They don't have to be there as targets. I think it's very important.

So you have a timeframe based on their ability to stand up.
FOX News

Boxer isn't saying cut & run, just that it's time to start letting Iraq step into it's own.

Fair play!