
Wonder Boy said:
I fail to see how Boxer was misrepresented. Sen Boxer herself misrepresented the Bush administration as not having a plan.

In her earlier comments, she basically said: The Bush administration says we have 200,000 trained Iraqis. So we should be able to pull out immediately after the election, and if the Bush administration is telling the truth, they should be able to defend their country themselves from this point.

She's saying we can start pulling out troops after the election starting with the National Guard. Remember she said "So you have a timeframe based on their ability to stand up." I understand that as being a case where we start withdrawing troops at a rate dependent on how well the Iraqi's step into place. The RNC calls that surrender? It might be hard for you to understand but Boxer is actually taking flack from some liberals for not just demanding the troops be pulled immediatley. This is from sometime around July at the Huffington post. Huffington Post The RNC was certainly misrepresenting her comment since it was almost identical to Rumsfeld's made 2 weeks prior.


Not everything in the opening news segments is posted online, but that's the gist of it.

But even that statement by Boxer, or the quoted comments in the Fox interview of Boxer you keep referring to, constantly refers to the need to withdraw, (1) for Bush to produce some timetable for withdrawal, and (2) Boxer and other Democrats then backpedal and say "Well, we're not demanding a timetable..."
Well, which is it, they are or they aren't?

Boxer isn't demanding a timetable chisseled in stone but one that allows the Iraqi's to start doing their own defending. Isn't that our goal? What would be the reason not to start taking the next step?

It's a total, bogus liberal smear campaign, with no substance, except to say no matter what Bush does, it's wrong.

Well this liberal first heard the White House compare Murtha to Michael Moore one day & then they say what a great guy he his on another & that we should be having an honest debate about Iraq. Then they send out the attack dogs to do the bashing that they want to do but are to cowardly to do themselves. Remember it was the RNC that did the ad.


Here's a link to a Republican site that deconstructs the flaws in Sen Boxer's arguments, even the more mild and retracted comments she made in the FOX interview.

This is just a Republican smear site. This partisan blogger uses the same technique as the RNC ad. I'll just stick to what she really said, thanks all the same.

Fair play!