
Matter-eater Man said:

Wonder Boy said:
I fail to see how Boxer was misrepresented. Sen Boxer herself misrepresented the Bush administration as not having a plan.

In her earlier comments, she basically said: The Bush administration says we have 200,000 trained Iraqis. So we should be able to pull out immediately after the election, and if the Bush administration is telling the truth, they should be able to defend their country themselves from this point.

She's saying we can start pulling out troops after the election starting with the National Guard. Remember she said "So you have a timeframe based on their ability to stand up." I understand that as being a case where we start withdrawing troops at a rate dependent on how well the Iraqi's step into place. The RNC calls that surrender? It might be hard for you to understand but Boxer is actually taking flack from some liberals for not just demanding the troops be pulled immediatley. This is from sometime around July at the Huffington post. Huffington Post The RNC was certainly misrepresenting her comment since it was almost identical to Rumsfeld's made 2 weeks prior.

If that were truly what Sen Boxer's consistent position on the troop withdrawal was and is, then we would have no disagreement.

But what Boxer and other ratfucking Democrats are trying to pull off is:

Even though the U.S. military and the Bush administration have been following the same policy all along in Iraq, training an adequate force of Iraqis to defend their country, so we can slowly pull out and allow them to take over their own security, Democrats act like there is not a plan, and ask for exactly what Bush is doing already, following the consistent ongoing plan to withdraw, once enough Iraqi troops are trained and performing at a level comparable to U.S. forces.

Democrats posture in front of TV cameras and the media and act like Bush is not doing precisely that.
Democrats say "it's not happening fast enough" and are pushing Bush to provide regular reports of some periodic kind to prove there is a plan for withdrawal, which is, in truth, exactly what Bush is already doing !!!

Democrats offer no alternative plan, no plan specifics. They just offer the exact same plan that Bush is already enacting and say: It isn't happening fast enough, we need a timetable !

Inflammatory and manipulative Democrat rhetoric, that makes us look weak to our enemies, that emboldens them to attack our troops in Iraq, and that inspires them to continue the conflict and wait us out in Iraq, in the hope that liberals can at a not-too-distant point deceitfully leverage popular opinion against the President, and force a premature U.S. withdrawal from Iraq.
Prolonging the conflict.
Giving aid and comfort to our enemy.

When Republicans expose this treasonous rhetoric, in ads that portray it as counterproductive as it truly is, liberals, exposed in their own deceit, simply throw up more smoke and say: "Republicans made this all up."

Well, no, they didn't.
Republicans just exposed the anti-American rhetoric of the Democrats for precisely what it was: A deliberate slander campaign of the Bush administration, and of our military on the ground in Iraq. Sheer liberal spite, that obstructs progress, prolongs the Iraq war, divides America, and ultimately, costs more American lives.


Wonder boy said:
Not everything in the opening news segments is posted online, but that's the gist of it.

But even that statement by Boxer, or the quoted comments in the Fox interview of Boxer you keep referring to, constantly refers to the need to withdraw, (1) for Bush to produce some timetable for withdrawal, and (2) Boxer and other Democrats then backpedal and say "Well, we're not demanding a timetable..."
Well, which is it, they are or they aren't?


Matter Eater Man said:
Boxer isn't demanding a timetable chisseled in stone but one that allows the Iraqi's to start doing their own defending. Isn't that our goal? What would be the reason not to start taking the next step?

Instead of letting the U.S. military in Iraq complete their mission, Boxer and other partisan Democrats smear the existing plan, one that is taking time, but is working, and say that Bush needs to step it up, that we need to give the Iraqis pressure, that beyond a certain date we won't be there.

Which by any other deceitful couched phrases the Democrats, including Boxer use, is demanding a timetable.

Which is what the Republican ad (which you claim is false and misleading) is actually saying truthfully.


Matter Eater Man said :

Wonder Boy said:
It's a total bogus liberal smear campaign, with no substance, except to say no matter what Bush does, it's wrong.

Well this liberal first heard the White House compare Murtha to Michael Moore one day & then they say what a great guy he his on another & that we should be having an honest debate about Iraq. Then they send out the attack dogs to do the bashing that they want to do but are to cowardly to do themselves. Remember it was the RNC that did the ad.

That was some republican Congresswoman from God-knows-where, who made the Murtha/Moore comparison remark. I don't see a single Republican rallying behind that remark. I may think Murtha is misguided or playing partisan politics, but I don't equate him with Moore.

Neither the Republicans or Democrats are in absolute agreement within their parties, so try not to exaggerate a single uninformed remark one Republican Congresswoman made, that didn't resonate with anyone. This lady is not a leader in the party, and her remark has been supported by no one.

As contrasted with Democrat leaders like Dean, Pelosi, Reid, Durbin, etc., who pretty much daily make extreme remarks.

And I still say the ad you criticize is not misleading. It manifests Democrat hypocrisy, bashing both the President and the troops in Iraq falsely, constantly raising doubt about a plan that's working, and pushing for a pre-emptive withdrawal that would endanger the existing plan, and then backpedaling when called on their rhetoric.
And then having the audacity to allege that Republicans are misrepresenting them, after they've backpedaled from their harsher remarks.

I notice you keep ignoring the unamerican remarks of Durbin and Dean. And so do they.


Matter Eater Man said:

Wonder Boy said: Here's a link to a Republican site that deconstructs the flaws in Sen Boxer's arguments, even the more mild and retracted comments she made in the FOX interview.

This is just a Republican smear site. This partisan blogger uses the same technique as the RNC ad. I'll just stick to what she really said, thanks all the same.

What "partisan technique" does he use ?


I can see where that would frustrate you.
You attempt to bypass the contradictions he points out in Boxer's statements, by labelling it as a "smear site".
That's so much easier than answering the valid points he raises, regarding Boxer's contradictions and gaps in logic, in her rush to make the President look bad.
At the expense of our troops on the ground.

And at the expense of the Iraqi people her and other Democrats pretend to care about.

[ I was interrupted while posting. Edited to conclude my post. ]

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.