
Wonder Boy said:

Matter-eater Man said:

Pariah said:
That's right MEM. Play the ignorance card.

An easy card to play considering how well the boys back up their Dem bashing

Your approach is, when myself, WBAM, G-man and others answer your points, and prove consistently what inflammatory lying assholes your Democrat party leaders are, you simply pretend we haven't proven it.

I don't want to sink this to personal insults, but you can ask yourself how honest a response that is on your part.

I think I made my case pretty well.


No you didn't. You didn't refer to anything else Boxer said that supports what the RNC presented. The closest you came was the exchange between Rice & Boxer. While that actually used what Boxer was saying it didn't have anything about her advocating an immediate exit from Iraq. The rest of it was more of the same, other Republicans & yourself "deconstructing" what Boxer really meant. Oh & a bunch of name calling. Boxer has done some wonderful things for this country & I should thank you for at least forcing me to do a bit of research on her. Wikipedia

Fair play!