
Matter-eater Man said:

Wonder Boy said:

Matter-eater Man said:

Pariah said:
That's right MEM. Play the ignorance card.

An easy card to play considering how well the boys back up their Dem bashing

Your approach is, when myself, WBAM, G-man and others answer your points, and prove consistently what inflammatory lying assholes your Democrat party leaders are, you simply pretend we haven't proven it.

I don't want to sink this to personal insults, but you can ask yourself how honest a response that is on your part.

I think I made my case pretty well.


No you didn't. You didn't refer to anything else Boxer said that supports what the RNC presented.

Yes, I did.
You just ignored it.
Although I didn't have the exact quote to click-and-drag here, I wrote down the gist of it.

How Senator Boxer:

(1) made a strong statement for putting a time-limit on our troops being in Iraq,
and then
(2) backpedaled and said later that she only advocated removing U.S. troops when Iraqi forces are ready.
Which is a contradiction.
If you advocate troops to stay till they are no longer needed, that is what the President is doing NOW ! So what is Boxer proposing as an alternative to the President's plan, except
(A) smoke and mirrors to badmouth a President who's implementing a withdrawal plan that is reaching fruition,
(B) Boxer is advocating a premature withdrawal, which she backpedals from when pressed on.

Although your wikipedia link even provides documentation of Boxer's hypocrisy:


Wikepedia listing for Senator Barbara Boxer:

In October 2002 Senator Boxer voted against the joint resolution passed by the U.S. Congress to authorize the use of military force by the Bush Administration against Iraq. [6], [7], [8]
Later on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart she called her vote "The best vote of my life."

In June 2005, Senators Barbara Boxer and Russ Feingold (D-WI) cosponsored Senate Resolution 171 to push for a clear timeframe for U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq.

In a speech on the Iraq War, delivered at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, on July 6, 2005, [9] Boxer said:

    "It is difficult to keep track of all the missions we've had so far in Iraq.
    There was the weapons of mass destruction mission.
    Then the regime change mission.
    Then the rebuilding mission.
    Then the democracy mission.
    And finally, terrorism, which the president mentioned more than 30 times in his speech (at Fort Bragg). "Our mission in Iraq is clear," he said. "We will hunt down the terrorists."
    That mission is a guarantee of a never-ending cycle of violence because our open-ended presence in Iraq is itself fueling the recruitment of terrorists.
    With that as a mission, we will find ourselves on a treadmill that never stops. We stay there to hunt down the terrorists and more terrorists are recruited, so we fight them and more terrorists are recruited and so the cycle goes."

Sounds like someone who really believes in taking a strong stance against terror.

And Senator Boxer's comments are pretty much in line with Cheney's statement a few months ago, that:


Vice President Cheney:

the Republican response to 9-11 was to prepare for war.

The liberal Democrat response was to offer sympathy and therapy to our enemy.

Which a lot of Democrat leaders vociferously objected to, even though it is demonstrably true.


Matter Eater Man said:
The closest you came was the exchange between Rice & Boxer. While that actually used what Boxer was saying it didn't have anything about her advocating an immediate exit from Iraq.

The rest of it was more of the same, other Republicans & yourself "deconstructing" what Boxer really meant. Oh & a bunch of name calling. Boxer has done some wonderful things for this country & I should thank you for at least forcing me to do a bit of research on her. Wikipedia

The Boxer exchange with Rice at her confirmation hearing is very relevant to her Iraq/timeline/withdrawal rhetoric.

It demonstrates the same type of inflammatory posturing, without any substance to posture on. As she postured against Rice with nothing, she is posturing against President Bush with nothing to stand on.
The Iraqi force is being trained. transition to Iraqi control and U.S. troop withdrawal is imminent. All Boxer is doing is throwing acid on a wound that is healing, and complicating the process. And scoring points in front of TV cameras for her rabidly anti-Bush voter majority. Emotionally charged fluff, completely lacking substance.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.