I agree, G-Man, it is courageous of Bush to repeatedly travel into terror-laden Iraq to rally support and morale of the troops in Iraq.
And it hasn't been lost on me either that there's a high-risk-factor in Bush's doing so.

I recall the first of many of these trips, when Bush went for thanksgiving with the soldiers in Iraq, and liberals here called it a "publicity stunt". It's amazing how even the most selfless things Bush does, at personal risk, are relentlessly spun negatively. I liked the symbolism, that Bush served turkey to the soldiers, and that like the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, Bush spent Thanksgiving away from his family, in service to his country.


Matter-eater Man said:
Which Dems do you feel are saying pull out but really want to stay Wonder Boy?

Personally I have more faith in the convictions of Murtha & Hillary Clinton then Rove/Bush who have demonstrated a complete lack of understanding & leadership concerning Iraq. Their "leadership" has made it tougher for our troops.

Just look at any of the Democrats who vacillate between two extremes in their criticism of Bush ("not enough troops in Iraq..."/"We need to pull out our troops, reduce our troops, ASAP...")

Diane Feinstein is one such example I've already eviscerated in this topic for her clear understanding of what's at stake, but mouths divisive inflammatory rhetoric anyway.

John Kerry is another, that I've dissected in several other topics.