
Wonder Boy said:
Given that Rove is considerably higher up the political chain, I'd say it's Murtha who is unworthy of Rove's time.


magicjay38 said:

Captain Sammitch said:
We can only hope.

Et tu, Sammitch?

Aww, now can't we all just play nice ?

I think Sammitch meant that a bit lighter than it came across, but I still don't agree with his post.

I'm content just to politically disagree with you, M Jay.

Although I often find myself agreeing with you too, on a number of less partisan issues.

But when you go all Republican-hating or tranny on me, I move to the other side of the room.

I was just returning his volly. The ball is still in play!

BTW Republican bashing is fair play. Look at the things you say about Democrats and Liberals. And I don't hate all Repubs. I even voted for Jerry Ford over St. Jimmy of GA and I'd do the same today. Sanctimonious people of both parties annoy me. My dislike of Reagan has deep roots. Remember, he was Governor of California for 8 years (Yes, even we beautiful people make mistakes)!

I am transexual and have endured a fair amount of insults in silence on this board. So, ya, on gender and gay issues I can be a real bitch. Just think about sleeping with Pariah...eeewww! On second thought, don't!!!!

I do find many of your posts to be well thought out and written even when I disagree.

"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives." John Stuart Mill America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. Oscar Wilde He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead.