Congressman Obey says "Idiot Liberals" need to support war money

    House Appropriations Chair David Obey (Dem., Wisc.) ran into woman in the hallway in Washington recently and ended up yelling at her and her friends, accusing them of "smoking something that's not legal" if they disagreed with him, and denouncing "idiot liberals."

As noted in the LA Daily News

    Rep. David Obey, the appropriations chairman, who blew up at a persistent anti-war activist, who is also the mother of a soldier twice deployed to Iraq and facing a possible third tour. She cornered him in a Capitol hallway to urge a funding cutoff and a faster pullout from Iraq.

    In an exchange that was videotaped by another activist and quickly posted on the Internet, Obey declared that, "We don't have the votes to defund the war, and we shouldn't!" He described proponents of a funding cutoff as "these idiot liberals." Obey apologized in a statement on Friday.

Video here

This isn't really that surprising. The Democrats retook congress in part by catering to the extreme anti-war fringe and promising to end the war. Now their constituency of Cindy Sheehan types wants what was promised them.