
Matter-eater Man said:
It wasn't your criticism of Bush that changed "stay the course" to "the surge" WB. Your side may have had some criticism but it translated to virtually no pressure being placed on Bush. It was Dems retaking congress that lit a fire under his ass. You talk about the lesser of two evils & Dems just playing a political game but as far as I'm concerned Bush's actions tell me he's just as guilty of what you accuse liberals of.


Wonder Boy said:
It wasn't the Democrats either that changed things from "stay the course" to "the surge".

Voters weren't so much choosing Democrats, as they were simply choosing "anyone but Bush".

I don't buy that. Both parties campaigned heavily on this issue. Voters were very much aware of what they were choosing.


And the Democrats still haven't moved things forward. They've chosen divisive rhetoric and partisan obstruction from their side, as opposed to proposing a policy that 80% of both parties could vote and agree on, if Democrats were interested in true progress instead of divisive posturing.
As I just quoted David Brooks pointing out.

Democrats were elected to move things forward in Iraq, but instead they're deliberately stalling things, and playing partisan games, continuing to undermine the military's ability to turn things around in Iraq.

You seem blind to your own party's obstructionism, in your zeal for pinning sole blame on Bush and Republicans.

Seeing as how Bush misused his previous blank checks with Iraq I'm glad there won't be anymore issued by the Dems. He's proven that he can't be trusted with them & has used his previous freedom at the expense of our troops. It's not partisan games, it's just common sense IMHO.

Fair play!