
Matter-eater Man said:
Dems are doing pretty much what they had promised to do if they won back the congress WB. If you feel otherwise, you may want to reread some of your own posts pre-election to clear things up.

My own posts from election-time say that the Democrats don't get what is at stake in Iraq, and want to withdraw from Iraq ASAP.
Democrats all along have painted a false image for themselves, that they "support the troops", and only want to correct mismanagement of the war.

But the truth is, Democrats have always planned to withdraw from Iraq, which is a short-sighted formula for disaster that will just result in Iraq becoming a hub of terrorism in the Middle East, and an exporter of terrorism to the U.S.

What Democrats promised, pre-election, was to get things done, pass legislation in the best interest of working Americans, clean up the "culture of corruption".
But all they've done is create their own brand of corruption and self-serving obstructionism.