
Matter-eater Man said:
Your last post WB is the divisive rhetoric you say Dems are guilty of. Seizing upon some comments to paint a whole party isn't right & helps accomplish what you don't want to do, demoralize the troops. I understand you honestly feel that way but your talking to someone who does support the troops, is a Dem & doesn't make the comments that you attribute to my party. Neither do I see other more liberal posters in this forum engaging in what you attribute to them.

The "some" comments you refer to come from every one of the Democrat leaders in the House, Senate and the DNC.

    Howard Dean: "There's no way we can win..."

    Harry Reid: "We've lost the war..."

    Richard Gephardt: "Miserable failure..."

    Dick Durbin: compared U.S. soldiers to "Nazi storm troopers, Soviet Gulags, and the [Cambodian] Pol Pot regime..."

And similar remarks from Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, John Murtha, Al Gore... pretty much every Democrat on Capitol Hill. Except for Joseph Lieberman, who you've far from voiced any support of.

Again I point out: These remarks by Democrat leadership, an overwhelming majority of Democrat leaders, attack the ability of our military to win in any circumstances, not just under Bush's leadership.
And have now openly conspired to cut off funding for our military forces in Iraq.

And these remarks have been consistent since the beginning of the war, not simply when things have gone wrong.
Democrats have consistently attacked the military's ability to win, in any circumstance.
And don't imagine for a second that Al Jazeera and Al Qaida aren't hanging on every Jihad-inspiring soundbyte from these Democrats with a jubilant "Praise Allah!"

Let me ask you, M E M: Who is this mythical group of Democrats who aren't the Democrat leadership, and aren't the majority of Democrats, who allegedly support our military in Iraq ?!?

I don't view advocacy of bringing our troops home before the job is done, so they and our nation can be attacked on our home soil later, as Al Qaida and various cels have repeatedly attempted already, to be "support" of our military, by any stretch of the imagination.