
Matter-eater Man said:
Instead of repeating it I'll just say my previous post still stands IMHO.

I just explained that I wasn't quoting some far-wing crazies who call themselves Democrats. I was quoting Harry Reid, Dick Durbin, Howard Dean... the core leadership of the Democrat party.
These are the people who speak for Democrats as a whole.

In addition, I could show you a consistent pattern of remarks by liberals posting here on RKMB as well, questioning the necessity of this war, and questioning the conduct of our soldiers as a whole in Iraq and elsewhere.

Again, all this translates to great anti-American soundbytes, that are used for anti-American propaganda, and to rally islamic-jihadist recruits.

I haven't seen you write a single word that convinces me otherwise.

I fail to see how your words and divisive tactics, and the larger vicious words and actions of your party, do anything but endanger our soldiers and our nation. Far from supporting them.