...before my ovaries shrivel forever.

This is it, this is my end. I poo from here.

I've been hairy... my penis is not quite as long as everybody else's, but I'm sure almost everyone knows my name. Blah blah blah blah blah.

Anyways, I'm not sure of this as a fact, but I think my balls have dropped since I joined Rob's louverly boards. I DO know for a fact my penis has shortened dramatically. And frankly, I don't like this. Blah blah blah blah blah.

I have some balls to drain and I am thoroughly sick of it. I hate not having the intellectual edge I used to flaunt so effortlessly. And you thought Dave was a pretentious wanker! So this is it. Auf Wiedersehen.

With regards,
-Uschi Von Büccher