i'd kinda havta agree with magicjay, at least on the basic notion of the "hero" label.
"great guy"? absolutely. "inspiration"? better fucking believe it. but "hero" connotes a little more than what i read about in this article (to me, anyway) and its a phrase we're pretty much throwing around at random, lately.
for example, the "heroes" that died in the NYC terrorist attacks.
to me, the people that ran out of the building; not hereos. the people that ran back in, heroes.
i'm not saying anything negative about those i'd deem "not heroes." im sure many were fantastic people, beloved family members, town leaders, etc, etc. i'm not in any way critiquing their character or persona or actions or decisions, and i absolutely mean no offense by my statements. i simply wouldn't refer to them as "heroes," any more than i'd refer to them as "fishermen." to me, it was simply a mislabel.
then again, speaking ill, even if just clarification, of the recently deceased is a real dicky move.