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Darknight613 said: "There is a feeling on all sides that something is changing," said Abraham Foxman, director of the New York-based Anti-Defamation League.
Jewish World Review contributor Julia Gorin takes the opposite position:
For those who didn't read between the lines of Foxman's recent attack on Evangelical Christians, it was a surrender of even the semblance of being relevant in the age of jihad, and a way back to fixating on bogeymen in America.
According to a recent Jewish Week article, Foxman said, "It is time to start naming names and judging the motives of leading conservative Christian groups, and not simply respond to their specific policy initiatives."
In a classic schoolyard scenario, instead of facing up to the bully, Foxman and Eric Yoffie — the Union for Reform (i.e. Liberal) Judaism president who the following week compared Christians to Hitler — are taking their frustrations out on their friends. The Evangelicals — those people whose value system has a lot in common with the Judaic one that these nominal Jews lost touch with generations ago.
Apparently, Jews don't have enough enemies in this world, and the one friend they have is one too many. Or perhaps these two and the Jews who think like they do figure that the world doesn't stand a chance against Islam, so why not help battle the only remaining religion standing in its way of world domination?
these are the same Jews who, while watching Holocaust documentaries have been known to say things like: "If they ever come for us again, I'm taking one of them with me." Trouble is, doing so would require first recognizing one. Then it would require a gun. And who's protecting our right to bear those? Not Adolf Hitler, who took away all the guns as soon as he came to power, and not today's secularist Democrats. But if Hitler were running as a gun-control Democrat today, he'd get the Jewish vote.
"What could be more bigoted than to claim that you have a monopoly on G-d?" Yoffie asked at the Reform movement's national assembly in Houston two weeks ago.
Is this a trick question? Um, beheading Christian children in Indonesia? Ethnically cleansing non-Muslims? Executing gays in Iran and torturing them in Egypt? Am I getting warm? Genocide bombings in Israel?
According to the report, "the audience of 5,000 responded to the speech with enthusiastic applause."
Yoffie focused mostly on gays, and accused the religious right of fanning the "hellfires" of anti-gay bigotry. So what we have, as usual, is Jews putting other minorities before themselves.
See, we like to forge alliances with groups who couldn't care less, sticking our necks out for other minorities — whom we feel we have something in common with just by virtue of our also being a "minority." That they've never returned the favor, and are more likely to, say, attend an anti-Israel rally than a pro-Israel rally, as well as resent Jews for "having money" and "controlling the media"
[These] Jews still don't get the difference: these minorities are politically correct, whereas Jews remain politically incorrect — making them an infinitely more endangered species. Ever wonder why it is that the more people Muslims kill, the less popular Jews become?
The only protection Jews have been able to count on has come from Evangelicals, the people at the forefront of keeping G-d in the public square in America — something that Foxman's namesake, the original Abraham, was a champion of. Likewise, atheists are a lot safer in Christian countries than Christians are in atheist countries.
while Muslims in Michigan are getting noise ordinances passed to allow a public call to prayer five times a day, we're debating whether to take G-d out of the Pledge first — or off the money. Is jihad really a good time to be rejecting any deities?
Meanwhile, where are the outcries from the ADL and the Union for Reform Judaism about those public calls to prayer in Hamtramck, MI — or about the San Francisco school district that has public school kids dressing, praying and fasting like Muslims for three weeks? Where is the questioning of "motives and intent" there? And is it the ADL that started reporting on Palestinian violence against Israelis and indoctrination of Palestinian children during Oslo, before it was hip to talk about?
No. In fact, that would be Pat Robertson's 700 Club. Jews obviously have it too good in America if they have to make up problems that aren't there. One lesson we've been relearning in recent years is that where Jews aren't safe, Christians aren't either. Well the corollary holds true as well.